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Woman’s Fiction, Cozy Mystery –  Marybeth, Hollister and Jane

Woman’s Fiction, Cozy Mystery – Marybeth, Hollister and Jane


Woman’s Fiction, Cozy Mystery

Date Published: 9/28/20


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Some secrets draw people closer………after they tear them apart.

Marybeth and Hollister moved to rural New York to escape—both the city life and a checkered past. Their lives were unassuming, until they bought a grandfather clock. They just wanted something to fill the space under their stairs, but they got much more than they bargained for. What secrets could the clock possibly hold?

Jane was sent to Callicoon to find the Eagle diamond, which was stolen from the Museum of Natural History in the ‘60s and never recovered. Convinced she won’t find what she’s looking for, she grudgingly takes the assignment. When she arrives, things aren’t what they seem and Jane finds more than she ever expected.

    Brenda Loring was far too small for the overstuffed capacious couch. She appeared uncomfortably absorbed by the cushions, hardly consoled. At first glance, she looked swallowed by the plush off-white arms. It could be assumed that her body had found a semblance of solace, but the truth was, there really weren’t any sacred places to turn for comfort; the fluffed-up cotton squares were far too affectionate and they consumed her behind their good intentions, providing only a pretense of succor.
     Brenda sat up straight and reached for her glass; next was the cigarette. Comfort was better found in a nicotine binge and a scotch devoid of ice or water.
     Brock was still not sure if he should believe her, even though she’d been insisting for months. “I’m not hallucinating,” she kept repeating. “I know what the hell I’m talking about. It’s all going to hell.”
     His thoughts raced ahead as he watched her light the tip of her cigarette with a lit butt from an old dish with more ash than a crematory.
     Brenda was birdlike but hardly unattractive, just sticky and twiggy, unlike his wife, who was a full hug, an eye level kiss. Brenda took a deep drag and looked at him through smoke.
     “What a fuck,” she said. “Both of them. They are both fucks. I’m telling you, Devon has bought Glen off, paid him well to screw us over, though I don’t know why he would, disloyal asshole.”
     He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s hard to believe, can’t wrap my head around it, that’s all.”
     Brenda leaned forward and crossed her tiny legs, shapely but thin. Her fingers seemed long as arms, her elbows stuck out like wayward bones.
     “Peter has lost control of his people. He’s too old to run the organization. That’s what I think. I have my spies, you know, people who hate Devon and will tell me the truth when I ask for it. You think he’s above screwing his brother?
     “Why let the organization go to shit now?”
     “Why not now? I heard Peter was sick; maybe that’s why he’s losing control. Maybe it’s serious. Maybe Devon doesn’t want anything going to Peter’s idiot wife if he should die. Imagine Delilah in charge of the LVAJ? Ha!”
     “I don’t think Delilah would want it. Advising Peter in business is not quite the same as running the entire organization. That’s a mammoth job.”
     “Ha!” Brenda took a sip of scotch. “I wouldn’t underestimate her, Brock. She has a degree in art, after all. You sound like a misogynist, just because she’s blonde and beautiful. She’s far from stupid.”
     “I didn’t say she was stupid.”
     “Didn’t say she wasn’t either.”
     “Look, you think we ought to go to Peter with this?” he asked, “he should know about our suspicions.”
     “No, I don’t think we should go to Peter.”
     Brock took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “So, you’re saying the Prince was a phony, but what if he wasn’t?”
     Brenda threw back her head and laughed loudly. He noticed that her hair didn’t move, so stiff it seemed to stand at attention. Her hair is obedient, he thought.
     “Oh, come on,” she said. “The whole thing was a scam. I’ll bet my ass that the Yellow Diamond is sitting behind some asshole’s velvet pull in Saudi Arabia and nowhere near that little turd that calls himself ‘Prince Vizueta.’ She drew out the syllables of the prince’s name and made a face. “Prince of bullshit.”
     Brock thought for a moment. “So, if the Yellow Diamond buy was a scam, what’s next?”
     Brenda did all three things at once. It was quite impressive. She laughed and took a drag off her cigarette as she put the scotch glass to her lips and drank.
     “I wish I knew.”
     Brock stood up and looked at his watch. He hadn’t called home. It was after ten p.m. in San Francisco. Jane would be angry. One should make a point of calling home when one is suspected of having an affair.
     “It’s getting late,” he said.
     He’d spent months on the phone with Brenda, ever since she first uncovered what she believed to be a conspiracy. He wasn’t quite so sure. He thought she was a bit hysterical over nothing. Besides, he was cautious. He liked absolute proof. But with their constant phone calls, he couldn’t blame his wife for suspecting him of infidelity. Once Brenda got to Philadelphia for the Yellow Diamond Buy, she called him several times a day so she could give him the scenario of treachery; so she could share her anxiety as she nervously sucked on her cigarette and drew him into her fears like the nightmare fairy.
     “Why don’t we wait for Devon’s next move, see where he’s going with this,” Brock said, putting Jane out of his thoughts, he’d deal with it in his own way. “No sense making a big deal out of something that could just be gossip,” he added. “Or paranoia.” He stared at her.
     “Well, it’s been months since this phony prince put out a bid on the Yellow Diamond and went back to his phony country with it.”
     “Right, and there hasn’t been anything since, no bids out on any precious stones at all.”
     “But it doesn’t mean there won’t be,” she said. “I sense it in my bones that we’re being screwed with.”
     “Look, if someone out there really has the Yellow Diamond other than the Prince, wouldn’t they have contacted Peter and told him he was being made an ass of, that you can’t purchase what someone else owns?”
     “Why should they say anything? Anonymity is what matters to us, not friendship, you know that.”
     Brenda stood up tall but barely reached his chest. She went to a wall of windows and looked out from her thirty-second-floor Manhattan condominium. The night was dark, but the city shone against the sky. It seemed like a false movie set, almost too perfect to be real.
     She turned to face him. “Let’s confront Glen, find out what the hell is going on. If he knows we’re aware he’s a turncoat, he’ll tell us everything. When it comes right down to it, he’s a wimp and he’ll play both sides. Glen has no loyalty. “
     Brock raised his eyebrow. “And you think Glen is going to admit he has his own agenda?” he said. “Just like that?”
     “Where is it going to leave us if Devon takes over the American operation?”
     “Under Devon’s employ, that’s where.” He realized Brenda was being too emotional; one of them had to be rational.
     Brenda sat and puffed; taking deep drags and pushed the smoke out through her teeth.
     Brock paced a bit around the room. “So, according to you, Devon paid the commission out of his own pocket? To make it all look legit?”
     Brenda moved her head, barely a nod but he knew that’s what she’d intended.
     “Right. He has a plan,” she said. “I just don’t know what it is. I mean, a phony bid? A phony buy? I don’t get it.”
     Brock sat on the arm of a chair so thin it hurt his backside and he moved quickly onto the couch with false substance.
     “It has to have something to do with discrediting Peter, that’s what I would guess. What else could it be? Devon has finally gotten sick and tired of sharing his customers.”
     Brenda squashed her cigarette out. He was relived she didn’t relight. His throat felt raw from her smoke, and the nicotine stunk.
     “Devon has thought this whole thing up, a fake prince, a ludicrous bid ─ and he sent it all to Peter on a silver platter. I watched Glen go through the motions of recovering the Yellow Diamond; it was clear bullshit.” She looked back out at her seven-million-dollar view. “I never saw the diamond with my own eyes; I never watched any money exchange hands. He had me answering the phone and reporting back to Peter all day while he said he was doing business.”
     Brock wet his lips with his tongue. “Why would Devon approach Glen and not me, or not you, for that matter, if he’s plotting against Peter? I mean, why Glen?”
     Brenda rocked her body just a bit. She was flirting, which was always her way, her constant affectation around men. Brock smiled, but only to himself. He’d never wanted any other woman but Jane from the moment they’d met. It was absurd that she now thought he did, especially Brenda, whose scantily fleshed out body reminded him of an adolescent boy. He wanted to flip open his cell phone and call his wife, just to tell her that her father was a bastard and the only thing he wanted from Brenda was assurance. If all this were real, it changed everything.
     “Because you’re married to Jane and Peter was always more of a father to his daughter than he was. Jane would never let you betray Peter. And me?” Brenda winked at him. “My few one-night stands with Peter could be interpreted as loyalty, though God knows, I have none.”
     Brock stood up. He towered over her and nearly reached her eight-foot ceiling.
     “Listen, if what you’re saying is true, I want a takeover. I want no part of this war between Peter and Devon. Let them chew each other up. You and I together have enough contacts to go on our own.”
     He stared at her. He was surprised at his own words, but he meant it. If he had wanted to work with Devon, he would have stayed in England. Devon was a mean bastard. He was also greedy; his split had been an absurd five percent.
     “I was hoping you’d say that.” Brenda lit another cigarette without leaving his gaze.”
     “That would make us partners,” he said, “just you and me, I’m not opening this up to anyone else.”
     “I’m yours,” she said, sending him smoke rings. “Peter is getting too old for this and Devon is a creep; we can’t trust him. This idiot ploy of his is going to splinter the whole operation, so let’s take our contacts and run.”
     Brock slipped on his jacket. “Let me think this through,” he said. “I’ll be back in touch. Id this is real we’re bound to hear of another false buy very soon. If this is Devon’s plan, to discredit Peter, he won’t wait very long to send him more bullshit about a precious stone that’s surfaced.”
     “Maybe art this time, who knows? What about Jane, will you tell her?” she asked.
     “Of course, I tell her everything,” he said and paused at the door. “Not right away though, she might not like it.”


About the Author

I am an award-winning hybrid author of southern and women’s Fiction,
including Dancing Backward in Paradise, The Story of Sassy Sweetwater, Where
the Wildflowers Grow, Pleasant Day, Marybeth, Hollister & Jane and Lies
a River Deep. As my alter ego, Olivia Hardy Ray my books include Annabel
Horton, Lost Witch of Salem, Annabel Horton and the Black Witch of Pau, and
Pharaoh’s Star. The first novel I ever wrote, Dancing Backward In Paradise,
won an Eric Hoffer Award for publishing excellence and an Indie Excellence
Award for notable new fiction, 2007. The Story of Sassy Sweetwater and
Dancing Backward in Paradise received 5 Star ForeWord Clarion Reviews and
The Story of Sassy Sweetwater has been named a finalist for the ForeWord
Book of the Year Awards. I have published in ESL Magazine, Christopher
Street Magazine and I have also written early childhood curriculum for
Weekly Reader and McGraw Hill.


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Superhero YA Romance – Dear Hero

Superhero YA Romance – Dear Hero

Superhero YA Romance

Published Date: 9-28-20

Publisher: INtense Publications LLC


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Cortex and V need a new nemesis.

Cortex’s last villain dumped him, and V got a little overeager and
took out her hero prematurely. They meet on Meta-Match, a nemesis pairing
site for heroes and villains. After throwing punches at each other behind
coffee shops and hiring henchman to do their bidding (mostly just getting
them coffee), they realize they have a lot more in common than meets the

And they may have a lot more hero and villain inside than they realize.


About the Authors

Hope Bolinger is a literary agent, multi-published novelist, and proud to
call herself a nerd. When she’s not procrastinating and catching up
with followers on social media (@hopebolinger), or collecting 700+ bylines,
she participates in local theater, models for the runway, and dresses up in
costumes for no apparent reason.

Alyssa Roat loves books and writing in all forms. As her “day
job(s),” she is the publicity manager for Mountain Brook Ink, a
literary agent with Cyle Young Literary Elite, a manuscript editor with
Sherpa Editing Services, and a freelance writer with 200+ bylines in local
and international publications. She has a slight obsession with Captain
America and has watched all of the Marvel movies more times than a healthy
human should.

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Sci-fi Fantasy – Blood of the Prince Omnibus

Sci-fi Fantasy – Blood of the Prince Omnibus


Science Fiction, Fantasy

Date Published: August 2020

Publisher : RLD Publications


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An orphan discovers he can wield ancient, mysterious technology but will
pay a terrible price if he uses his wondrous skills to fight for his

As winter settles in an old man sits down to pen the tale of his youth. A
sense of melancholy, of love lost, and the disappointment of labors
performed in vain cloak his shoulders as he leans forward, the quill in the
weathered knuckles of his hand hovering over parchment. Asking himself where
it all began was unnecessary … time could not erase the flames that leapt
in his mind’s eye.

Herein contains Patrin’s complete first mission, Greater Things than Thou,
All Things Ruin, and That Which Remains From his early childhood memories,
kidnapping, salvation, and finally, the betrayal of his best friend.


About the Author

As a native Texan in the early 90s R.L. Dean created door programs for
bulletin board software. In 1998 R.L. became a Christian and has taught
expositional Sunday School at his local church for eight years. He currently
resides in southeast Texas with his wife of twenty years, ten cats, and two
stray dogs. He works in the IT industry as a technician for a large
restaurant chain, but his dream is to work professionally creating novels,
television shows, and films.


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Contemporary Romance – Designs on Forever

Contemporary Romance – Designs on Forever

Modern Masters of Their Castle Book 2

Contemporary Romance

Published: September 2020


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As a model, Mallory Andrews’ good looks had worked for her for years,
but now she’s determined to prove she’s a talented historical
interior designer. To do that she must remain unwavering in her focus
regarding her current project, the restoration of a historical English manor
house turned hotel. The problem is, she keeps getting sidetracked by the
handsome and charming grandson of the owner.

Renowned hotel magnate and business consultant, Evan Townsend is retained
by the board of his estranged grandmother’s company to make
recommendations regarding the failing hotel that could put his grandmother
into bankruptcy. His first chore is to terminate the work Mallory is doing.
She launches a campaign to prove the changes she has made and others she has
planned will benefit his grandmother’s financial bottom line.
Evan’s mounting attraction to the beautiful and clever Mallory has him
reconsidering his stance on her present work, yet he remains resistant to
her requests not to sell the hotel so her work can continue. If only he
could be as unaffected by her kisses.

Both fear the other is using the sexual magnetism between them to get what
they want. Can Mallory and Evan design a way to break through the walls of
half-truths and what-ifs to build a lifetime of love?


Other Books in the Modern Masters of Their Castles Contemporary Romance

Cornerstone of Love

Modern Masters of Their Castles, Book 1

Release Date: March 17, 2020

Ian Chalmers’s dream life didn’t include becoming the Earl of
Hartley or the CEO of Hartley International Shipping, but he obediently
accepted the responsibilities when his father and older brother are killed.
Duty to the Hartley title and business reputation becomes his all-consuming
focus. Ian’s world revolves around unending work and doing
what’s expected of him. Then a nerve-wracking, albeit completely
fascinating, free-spirited female enters his structured life and turns it
upside down.

Allison Moore is the American constructional engineer hired to direct the
repairs on Hartley castle. Despite their instant attraction, Allison
doesn’t appreciate Ian’s high-handed control of everything in
his sphere of influence. Still she’s determined to placate the vexing
‘master of the castle’ in order to get the job done, bringing
her another step closer to achieving her life’s goal of having a home
of her own. Her strategy is complicated then frustrated when Ian’s
kisses prove so delicious her treacherous heart undermines her immunity to
his charm.

With the project almost complete and their sizzling interlude ending, Ian
and Allison must decide what they want most in life. Is it possible
they’ve each been laboring towards the wrong goals? Could what they
have with each other be the cornerstone of true love?







About the Author

 Susan Carlisle’s love affair with books began when she made a bad
grade in math in the sixth grade. Not allowed to watch TV until she brought
the grade up, Susan filled her time with books. She turned her love of
reading into a love of writing romance. Susan has currently authored more
than thirty books for the HarperCollins Harlequin medical imprint. Her
Modern Masters of Their Castles trilogy is under her own imprint. Her heroes
are strong, vibrant man and the women that challenge them.

In her past life Susan has been a full time mother to four children, a high
school substitute teacher and now when she isn’t writing she is busy
being a fun grandmother. She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband
of over thirty-five years. Susan loves castles, traveling, sewing and reads
voraciously. Visit her at

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YA Fantasy – Temple of Eternity

YA Fantasy – Temple of Eternity


Bobby Ether Series, Book 2

YA Fantasy

Release Date: September 24, 2020

Publisher: Main Street Publishing


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Deep in the rain forests of Guatemala, an ancient Mayan temple holds a
mythical secret. The legendary Fountain of Youth lies within, but not all
myths are fairy tales. The temple ruins have been seized by the Core, a
sinister cult determined to unlock the mysteries of immortality.

When their captured friends are spotted near the temple, Bobby and his
cousin Jinx must journey into the dark heart of the jungle to save them.
Harnessing their extraordinary abilities, the boys will undertake an epic
quest to fulfill a centuries-old prophecy.

Cut off from their allies, Bobby and Jinx combat supernatural barriers,
raging rivers, and deadly beasts. They’ll face savage natives,
vengeful ghosts, and ruthless mercenaries who can conjure a person’s darkest

Past and present will collide, with the power of eternity on the line. Can
Bobby fulfill the prophecy and lay the temple’s spirits to rest?




Other Books in the Bobby Ether Series:

Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy

Publisher: Koehler Books

Release Date: April 24, 2019

YA Fantasy


When sixteen-year-old Bobby Ether is abducted and brought to the secluded
Jade Academy in Tibet, monks teach him and other special students how to tap
into their Anima—the universal energy that connects all living things.
But the headmistress of the academy is secretly exploiting the students,
looking for genetic triggers to create a new breed of humans with
metaphysical abilities. As his powers increase, Bobby is thrust into a
cesspool of conspiracy, lies, and betrayal. A jade amulet left by his
clairvoyant grandfather may provide answers, but what exactly is his
family’s connection to this mysterious place?

Can Bobby master his talents in time to uncover the truth? If not, his
fate—and the fate of the entire Jade Academy—may be

Praise for Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy:


“Tragedy, mystery, and suspense make this scientific coming-of-age
story a fascinating read.” —Clarion 5-star review


“Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy is a thrilling action-packed
adventure you never want to end.” —IndieReader 4.5 stars



About the Author

Scott Boyer grew up in Santa Monica, CA and graduated from the Haas School
of Business at UC Berkeley in 1996. In 2008, he became fascinated with the
idea of blending young adult fantasy with new-age/spiritual fiction and
spent the next six years crafting his first novel, Bobby Ether and the
Academy, which won critical acclaim for blending Eastern spiritual
philosophies with a fun, fast-paced adventure style.


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Historical Romance – Tempting the Scoundrel

Historical Romance – Tempting the Scoundrel

House of Devon, Book 3

Historical Romance, Regency Romance

Release Date: September 23, 2020


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Only $.99

September 23-27


Below stairs is where the romance begins..

As the most distinguished watchmaker in England, Christian Bainbridge
believes in accurate timepieces, not love. He secretly offered his heart
years ago, and he’s never gotten it back. When Raine Mowbray stumbles
into his life again, Christian realizes the woman he’s worshiped from
afar is still the woman he desires above all others.

Raine Mowbray needs solitude and employment, not love. A housemaid forced
to flee a loathsome earl’s grasp, the last thing she’s seeking
is a man’s amorous attention. When she finds herself unexpectantly
paired with a gorgeous watchmaker in need of an assistant, she’s
unnerved by his wit, kindness—and clandestine devotion to her.

If you like spirited heroines who fight falling in love and charmingly
arrogant heroes who think they know best, then this is the book for you!
Snuggle up with Tempting the Scoundrel, a steamy second chance,
love-at-first-sight Regency Romance!


This is a Downton Abbey-ish novella at 98 pages and 25K words!!

Find the entire House of Devon Series on Amazon



About the Author

Award-winning author Tracy Sumner’s storytelling career began when she
picked up a historical romance on a college beach trip, and she fondly
blames LaVyrle Spencer for her obsession with the genre. She’s a recipient
of the National Reader’s Choice, and her novels have been translated into
Dutch, German, Portuguese and Spanish. She lived in New York, Paris and
Taipei before finding her way back to the Lowcountry of South

When not writing sizzling love stories about feisty heroines and their
temperamental-but-entirely-lovable heroes, Tracy enjoys reading,
snowboarding, college football (Go Tigers!), yoga, and travel. She loves to
hear from romance readers!


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Only $.99

September 23-27


Dark Paranormal Romance – Sleeping with Shadows

Dark Paranormal Romance – Sleeping with Shadows

Dark Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 9/22/20

Publisher: FyreSyde Publishing

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Once The King of Nightmares, Ashe lost everything when he was betrayed.
Released from prison, he’s got one goal: Stay Free. To make that happen
he’ll have to rescue the girl who stole his crown while saving the court
he’d rather see burn. But he can’t do it alone. He needs Callie.

Abused, neglected, and finally shunned by The Court of Light, Callie is
done with court politics. It’s just too damned bad Ashe doesn’t care. He’s
arrogant, manipulative, and dangerous. Everything she’s been taught to fear.
It would be so easy to hate him, but the sadness in his gaze calls to her
heart, and his touch awakens her own darkness. She has never wanted anyone

Callie is Ashe’s darkest desire, but to earn his freedom and prevent the
destruction of humanity, she must embrace the destiny that will keep them
apart. But is the safety of the world worth losing the kind of love he’s
only dreamed of?

About the Author

 Rachel Hailey was born and raised in the South. She’s all about that nerd
life and in between writing she’s dedicated herself to raising the next
generation of nerds.If she’s not online or staring at a book she can usually
be found at the local game store rolling dice, shuffling cards, or planning
her next cosplay.

Her childhood was most prominently shaped by the works of R.L. Stine,
Stephen King, Anne Rice and the Brothers Grimm. 


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