Books For Review – Week of March 18th

The Killing Girl
By Summer Prescott
Publisher: S. Prescott Thrillers
Release Date: March 15, 2019
Mystery & Thrillers

‘Til death do us part…

Obsession can be a dangerous thing.

Susannah dabbles in darkness, finding sadistic solace in the death of those who deserve it. But now she wants something more. Or, more to the point…someone.

She’s on a manhunt. She will possess him, one way or another, whether in life, or death. She hasn’t made up her mind yet.

He’s the only one who ever accepted her. Who even maybe loved her, in his own strange way. And then, he left her, which could turn out to be a deadly mistake.

Her husband Tim, a mild-mannered mortician, has packed his bags and fled, a fugitive from his homicidal wife. She wants him, and what Susannah wants, she gets.

Will Tim continue to elude his murderous mate? If he doesn’t, will he survive her peculiar form of love?

This journey through the mind of a stone-cold killer will leave you on the edge of your seat. Close the doors, lock the windows, and get ready for a bloodcurdling ride.

By Aalia Lanius
Publisher: Unsugarcoated Media
Release Date: March 31, 2019
Historical Fiction

In 1933, after Hitler’s rise to power, the paramilitary Hitler Jugend, or Hitler Youth, became the only permitted youth organization in Germany, then known as The Third Reich.

It’s 1937 now, and a fourteen-year-old German youth, Ernst, is part of a secret mission which will send a group of teen-aged boys to London under the pretense of a bicycle tour to spy for the Nazis. The cyclists’ objective: identify both geographical and human targets for subsequent elimination as Europe approaches a flashpoint that Hitler intends to exploit by waging all-out war. Ernst’s mentor, Officer Müller, considers him the perfect fit for a special assignment—spy on a wealthy British Jewish family considered a threat to the Reich as they shelter Jewish refugees from Nazi oppression.

In a parallel story, a modern-day American teen-aged orphan, Clark, has fallen under the spell of white supremacy ideology after a series of family misfortunes. Having lost his mother as a child to cancer and then his father a couple of years later to war in Iraq, he is in the hands of his unscrupulous guardian who manages to plant him as a child-agent in a Muslim household. Clark’s purpose: prove that the randomly-chosen Muslim family must be terrorists.

Each youth approaches his assignment with a masked heart filled with hate and a deep misunderstanding of who his hosts are, roiling the boys in emotional conflict as events unfold, and forcing each to face what will be the hardest decision of his entire life—help destroy what his handlers fear or find the courage to think for himself and face the consequences.

Swords, Sorcery, & Self-Rescuing Damsels
by Lee French
Publisher: Clockwork Dragon
Release Date: Apr 16, 2019


Twenty bestselling and award-winning authors offer enchanting tales of women and girls forging paths through darkness and peril. Cleverness, curiosity, and determinations make worthy heroines in fantastical new worlds.

Featuring stories by:

Jody Lynn Nye
Katie Cross
Robyn Bennis
Raven Oak
Frog and Esther Jones
Dawn Vogel
Matt Youngmark
Lee French
Connie J. Jasperson
Jeffrey Cook
Katherine Perkins
Jeremy Zimmerman
Edward J. Knight
Elmdea Adams
Fulvio Gatti
Robert J. McCarter
Lou J. Berger
Ian Berger
Sarah Bartsch