Art of Grey Area Thinking By Jimmy from The Good Fight

Art of Grey Area Thinking By Jimmy from The Good Fight
Genre: Self-Help

Tired of being forced to pick a shitty side or shut the hell up?

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About the Book

In a world run by extremists, it pays to be abusive and manipulative. But they are no match for a true grey area thinker. Arm yourself with this next generation mindset.

Grey area thinking teaches you how to navigate chaos. With that power, comes the ability to dismantle extremist ideologies, making you a voice of reason and the perfect mentor for future generations.

But that’s not all, your mental health, strategic aptitude, and creative problem-solving skills will skyrocket. You’ll be a paragon of balance between strength and flexibility. With that supple excellence, you’ll innovate, lead, and disrupt. And if you wish (and I hope you do)…you’ll truly help create a better world.