Birth of a Leader By Devon Jones

Birth of a Leader By Devon Jones
Genres: Memoir, Non-Fiction

Devon Jones is the author of Birth of the Leader.

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About the Book

Birth of a Leader
By Devon Jones
Publisher: Lifestyle Publication
Published: January 2020
ISBN: 978-1687429681
Genre Non-Fiction, Memoir

I have survived a nightmare and it was real. The enemy tried to kill me before I knew who I was and he knew I was destined to become leader. I was born to be a leader of my generation. My nightmare tried to crush me but God’s grace protected me so that I could tell you how I survived it. This nightmare has two explanations of why I had to suffer this pain for you.

About the Author
Devon Jones is the author of Birth of the Leader. He wrote the book to change the mindset of a violent community after the murder of both his parents. He currently lives in Camden New Jersey trying to make a difference in the next generation of leaders in that City. He’s from the hometown of Wilmington Delaware in hopes of become like a father to the fatherless in the whole Tristate Area.
