Brevity is the SOUL of Wit A Collection of Six Word Stories

Brevity is the SOUL of Wit A Collection of Six Word Stories
Genre: Fiction

A unique collection of six word short stories in the micro fiction category of storytelling

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About the Book

Unlock entire worlds in just six words with “Brevity is the SOUL of Wit A Collection of Six Word Stories” – a unique collection of 108 micro fiction stories that celebrate the vast potential of human imagination.

More than a creative exercise, this book represents author Sivashankar TP’s rediscovery of his dormant passion for storytelling through an intriguing writing exercise: crafting complete narratives using only half a dozen carefully chosen words. The result is a literary feast of minimalism and depth.

Nestled within six thematic sections – Life, Kids, Environment, Academics, Work, and Sports, these bite-sized stories invite readers to peek through verbal keyholes of compressed creativity. Some stories stem from astute observations, others from personal experiences or wordplay. But all of them showcase the author’s creative approach to brevity as an artform. Each six word story is an invitation for the reader’s mind to wander into realms evoked by Sivashankar TP’s potent prompts.

For fiction lovers who appreciate literary minimalism, the delightfully compact tales within the six word stories will provide a unique reading experience. It’s a spirited homage to the author’s mother, a nod to literary influences like Ernest Hemingway, and a celebration of the written word’s power to inspire.

Whether devoured in small bites or consumed wholly, this ingenious eBook reminds us that “imagination encircles the world.”