During a long voyage, well to do English cats Tibby, Musette and Pillow sail overboard and wind up on Cataqueria Island, a tropical paradise ... until they face the nasty leader of the island’s cat colony, a huge hurricane, and Chinese hunters looking for dinner ... and fur!
Cataqueria Island
By Tabatha Taylor
Publisher: Paragon Publishing
ISBN: 978-1782227571
Genre: Children’s Book
During a long voyage, well to do English cats Tibby, Musette and Pillow sail overboard and wind up on Cataqueria Island, a tropical paradise … until they face the nasty leader of the island’s cat colony, a huge hurricane, and Chinese hunters looking for dinner … and fur!
About the Author
Born in London, Tabatha Taylor wanted to write from a young age. Moving to southern Spain in her thirties, raising three sons, and rescuing animals in the lovely, warm, rural countryside of Andalusia, inspired her to write Cataqueria Island, her first children’s novel. Tabatha is a successful artist, but her passion for writing keeps knocking at the door.