Daisy’s Wooooosh Wooooosh Hospital Adventure By Erica Mesirov

Daisy’s Wooooosh Wooooosh Hospital Adventure By Erica Mesirov

Children's picture book (age 3 - 6) to help children not be scared by what they will see at a hospital and also realize that medical procedures (like getting a shot) don't have to be that scary.

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About the Book

It’s Daisy’s first day at the hospital and she has to go on a ride in a wheelchair. At first, she’s unsure of this funny looking chair with wheels. But once she’s rolling along, her confidence grows. From the seat of her wheelchair, she meets new people like a girl with an IV, and men transporting a gurney. And by the end of her first WOOOOOSH, WOOOOOSH hospital wheelchair ride, she makes it through the scary experience of getting a shot with the help of her new doctor and nurse friends.

In the hospital, there are many strange sites, smells, and sounds. This book help children prepare for an experience that will be new and different, and helps them understand that different doesn’t mean bad or scary.

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