Dark Fantasy – The Blood Witch

Dark Fantasy – The Blood Witch
Genres: $.99 ebook, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy

I never saw it coming...the bones...the magic...the betrayal.

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About the Book

Dark Fantasy
The Blood Witch
By Ivy Asher
Was $4.99
For a Limited Time Only $.99

It’s no longer a question of who I can trust—the answer is no one. Now, it’s about survival.

I’m in the heart of the Order, trying to solve a series of mysterious disappearances, while doing everything that I can not to become bait.

Enemies are circling, and they can’t seem to decide if they see me as a pawn or as a threat. Oh, and there’s that little issue of being tethered to Rogan, who I now want to kill.

It’s time to figure out just what I’m capable of though. Because fool me once…shame on you. But fool me twice…and I will crush your bones to dust.

My name is Lennox Osseous, and I’m about to unleash the wrath of the Bone Witch.