Fantasy – A Grimoire for Gamblers

Fantasy – A Grimoire for Gamblers
Genres: $.99 ebook, Fantasy

Magic may be secret, but it’ll kill you anyway.

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About the Book

A Grimoire for Gamblers
By Amanda Creiglow
Was $3.99
For a Limited Time Only $.99

Small town mayor’s assistant Elizabeth has enough on her plate grieving her father’s suicide. She doesn’t need his stash of magical knowledge in the attic. She doesn’t need the hidden supernatural subculture of monsters it pulls her into. And she certainly doesn’t need hints that her father’s madness might have been a smokescreen for something far darker.

But uncovering her father’s secrets could be the only way Elizabeth can stop a string of suspicious suicides… if the local wizard doesn’t rip the memories out of her mind, first.

Wizards, right?