She will travel across a broken world to save the girl she loves...even
if she has to kill a Goddess to do it.
By E.A. Starlight
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Akshara is born a temple girl in the desert city of Aransia. She serves the priestesses, and pours the blood down the steps after sacrifices to thirsty, vengeful Gods. When her best friend Iva is chosen to be the sacrifice that renews the world and brings “The Girl with a Golden Heart” to the broken world of Aya, Akshara turns her back on the Gods only to find love in the eyes of the golden hearted girl she shunned. Little does Akshara know, but she is the one chosen to bear the soul of Aya itself, and protect the world from total collapse. But to do so will come at great personal cost, and will force her to choose between love or the people of Aya.
Fari — the Girl with a Golden Heart — was born with her heart on the outside of her body, and wears a golden breast plate to protect it. She is the chosen representative of the Goddess Tars’keli, and is forced to serve as the body of the Goddess whenever the deity chooses. But now dark forces have taken control of Fari, and seek to use her to become divine. She must break free of them if she is ever to see Akshara again.
But no matter how far apart they are, these two young women will discover their hearts always beat as one.