Good Boy Lukey & the Dream Crumbs by Linda Beck

Good Boy Lukey & the Dream Crumbs by Linda Beck
Genre: Children's Book

Join Luna, a determined and caring girl, on her journey to make a difference in the world.

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About the Book

Through her simple daily routine of planting trees, Luna inspires the animals of the forest, including her owl friends Churros and Panela, to take action against the destruction of their home. When disaster strikes and the Buhouho family is left homeless, Luna’s unwavering dedication to planting trees proves to be the key to restoring their beloved forest. With beautiful illustrations and a heartwarming message, “Luna, the Girl Who Planted a Forest” is a captivating tale that will leave children inspired to make a difference in their own world.

¨Luna’s understanding of the value of trees is prescient. For all of human existence, the role of trees was understood as a necessity for survival. The deforestation that Luna is witnessing in this story has implications for two interrelated environmental problems – biodiversity loss and climate change. Luna’s instinct is in sync with the international conservation community’s focus on the need to restore our planet’s degraded habitats. We must act on ecosystem restoration to address climate change, which includes the added benefits of safeguarding biodiversity, creating jobs, and securing our food supply. The United Nations highlighted this need by declaring 2020 – 2029 as the “Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.” Luna’s initiative in this book’s story is in the spirit of that important effort. In the face of massive, intertwined deforestation and climate change, what can one person do? It is easy to get overwhelmed by the challenges. Whether you live in an apartment and can nurture a s all fishtail palm in a pot near a window or have a yard with space for a mighty oak tree, you can make a difference. If you learn more about your tree’s natural and cultural history, that knowledge will lead you to respect it and care about that species even more. Over time, as you watch your tree grow and thrive, you can do so knowing that you are its guardian and partner in fostering a shared, sustainable planet. Luna learned this lesson well and sets a wonderful, inspirational example in this book’s story.¨ – Brian Boom, Curator Emeritus, New York Botanical Garden.

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Libros Bilingües para Niños (Inglés-Español). Acompaña a Luna, una niña valiente y amorosa, en su extraordinaria aventura para cambiar el mundo. Con su rutina diaria de plantar árboles, Luna inspira a los animales del bosque, incluyendo a sus amigos búhos Churros y Panela, a unirse y lucharcontra la destrucción de su hogar. Cuando un desastre golpea y la familia Buhouho se queda sin hogar, la dedicación incansable de Luna por plantar árboles se convierte en la clave para restaurar el bosque que tanto aman. Con ilustraciones hermosas y un mensaje conmovedor, “Luna, la Niña que Sembró un Bosque” es un cuento cautivador que inspirará a los niños a hacer la diferencia en su propio mundo. ¡Embárcate en esta emocionante historia y descubre el poder de una pequeña acción para cambiar el destino de un bosque y la vida de sus habitantes!