Katerina Big Sister Surprise" is an engaging and heartwarming story perfect for children & toddlers.
When Katerina discovers that she will soon become a big sister, her imagination takes her on an exciting journey of what it would be like to have a little brother or sister. Through her adventures, Katerina’s best friend, a baby stuffed tiger, is always by her side.
Join Katerina on her journey as she learns the joys and responsibilities of being a big sister, and the special bond that comes with it. Katerina can’t wait to share her love for her new soon to be sibling. From practicing feedings to diaper changes, she quickly learns that being a big sister is both fun and rewarding. With beautiful illustrations and a heart-warming story “Katerina’s Big Sister Surprise” is the perfect book to help toddlers prepare for the arrival of their new sibling. This charming tale is sure to delight young readers and parents alike and is perfect for families preparing for a new addition.