With a heart as big as the elephants she adores, Laehli, a little deaf girl from Thailand, shows us her world and her story. Laehli & The Elephants becomes a perfect harbinger for our children and the generation to come!
With a heart as big as the elephants she adores, Laehli, a little deaf girl from Thailand, shows us her world and her story. Laehli & The Elephants becomes a perfect harbinger for our children and the generation to come!
About the Author:
Kellie Fitzgerald has arrived at this particular point in her life by taking the scenic route, often filled with pratfalls and new beginnings. After a life spent experiencing trials by fire while simultaneously navigating choppy waters, she is passionate about helping others navigate their own paths and become the very best version of themselves they can be. Having been told early in adulthood that as an employee she would make an excellent entrepreneur, Kellie, has started, grown and/or run several small businesses. Currently, she is a real estate broker and life coach in southeastern Arizona and, as usual, lives with a rather large menagerie of animals and way more gardens and other projects than any truly sane person would attempt to handle.
Website: https://www.laehli.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laehli