POLICE By Michael Butler

POLICE By Michael Butler
Genre: Fiction

From the prolific, up-and-coming author, Michael Butler, comes "Black Redemption" — a story of circumstance, fate, choice, and redemption. Author showcased at the 2021 Juneteenth celebration, "Black Redemption" celebrates the resilience of the African American and Jewish spirit. Yet, despite the odds stacked against them, protagonists Trey, Maxwell, and Isaac lived, learned, and redeemed themselves despite unfortunate circumstances, despite adverse fates, despite poor choices.

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About the Book

From the prolific, up-and-coming author, Michael Butler, comes “Black Redemption” — a story of circumstance, fate, choice, and redemption. Author showcased at the 2021 Juneteenth celebration, “Black Redemption” celebrates the resilience of the African American and Jewish spirit. Yet, despite the odds stacked against them, protagonists Trey, Maxwell, and Isaac lived, learned, and redeemed themselves despite unfortunate circumstances, despite adverse fates, despite poor choices.

Trey and Isaac are best friends with contrasting upbringings. Isaac’s family builds on religiousness, peace, understanding, unity, anti-racism, and imparting the proper virtues and moral standards to their children. On the other hand, Trey’s family is separated by disputes, negligence, and disunity. Yet, instead of feeling disheartened, Trey is overwhelmed with hope — a hope that things can and will get better so long as there is personal accountability. This is our world. Let’s make it a better place, and we have the power to make a change by doing the next right thing. Problems become even more apparent to Trey when he reunites with his brother Maxwell under extraordinary circumstances years after leaving his tumultuous home. Yet, by taking control of their fortunes, can these young men overcome African American Racism and Antisemitism in the United States and prove that they could rise above Gun Violence and change the status quo despite the odds? *** “Black Redemption” by Michael Butler is a compelling suspense drama that serves as a commentary on the saga of our nation as it battles racism and Gun Violence against the African American and Jewish population. And that, through compassion, tolerance, and the proper gun interventions, all violence against all people can be reduced. “Black Redemption” took Ten years and countless hours of dedication to write, backed by remarkable research and development, and presented to New York City as a new initiative in an immersive virtual reality format. Today, it has seen sweeping reviews from readers and featured in the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce and many other Publications.

Police Black Redemption: An African American Political Thought and Action Novel on Black and Jewish Suffering and African American Racism, Antisemitism and Gun Violence Intervention in the United States