The Next President of the United States: A Common Sense Approach to Fixing America By RAW

The Next President of the United States: A Common Sense Approach to Fixing America By RAW
Genre: Politics

“This great country was founded on Christian principles and ideologies to escape a tyrannical government and pave the pathway to freedom for its citizens. However, there are those in power who are desperately trying to take away our freedoms through force, coercion, deception, and indoctrination. As a result, American democracy is on the verge of collapse. This should not come as a surprise as great civilizations of the past have followed the same predictable sequence. Measures must be taken to stop this sequence if we care for our way of life. Fixing the problem is not a task reserved for the select elite in power. We the people can implement ‘common sense’ solutions to save our beloved country. If democracy is lost in America, then it will be lost to the world. This book was created by a concerned citizen and gifted to those willing to open their eyes to the truth. Join me on this journey to salvation.”

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About the Book

This great country was founded on Christian principles and ideologies to escape a tyrannical government and pave the pathway to freedom for its citizens. However, there are those in power who are desperately trying to take away our freedoms through force, coercion, deception, and indoctrination. As a result, American democracy is on the verge of collapse. This should not come as a surprise as great civilizations of the past have followed the same predictable sequence. Measures must be taken to stop this sequence if we care for our way of life. Fixing the problem is not a task reserved for the select elite in power. We the people can implement “common sense” solutions to save our beloved country. If democracy is lost in America, then it will be lost to the world. This book was created by a concerned citizen and gifted to those willing to open their eyes to the truth. Join me on this journey to salvation.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free” (Ronald Reagan).