The Parakeet Prankster By Megan Lucker

The Parakeet Prankster By Megan Lucker
Genre: Children's Book

Welcome to Book 2 of the Chronicles of the Cove!

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About the Book

The Chronicles of the Cove

The Chronicles of the Cove are inspired by Megan’s childhood adventures. While the real island may have no vampires, were-bears, or other monsters (that we know of); it remains just as magical as Megan remembers it.

The Parakeet Prankster

Forks in your lawn? Ding-dong-ditchers? Stink bombs? Too much glitter? They all lead to one thing: a PRANKING WAR! Introducing the magical adventures of Jessie, Josie, and Jack as they explore their new island homeā€¦ and catch the parakeet prankster!

Welcome to Book 2 of the Chronicles of the Cove!

You can follow Megan: @CoveChronicles on Twitter and @ChroniclesoftheCove on Instagram.