The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work By Marston Lyons

The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work  By Marston Lyons
Genres: Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Everything you’ve seen and heard from the movies and television about working in a job is true…it’s full of hilarious hijinks intertwined with a beloved camaraderie among coworkers. But somedays you may wonder if there’s something else you should do for a career. “Perhaps a different office would have a more interesting shade of gray carpeting?” you may wonder while sipping on another cup of over-brewed coffee.

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About the Book

The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work
By Marston Lyons
Release Date: April 1, 2022
Self-Help, Motivation, Workplace

Everything you’ve seen and heard from the movies and television about working in a job is true…it’s full of hilarious hijinks intertwined with a beloved camaraderie among coworkers. But somedays you may wonder if there’s something else you should do for a career. “Perhaps a different office would have a more interesting shade of gray carpeting?” you may wonder while sipping on another cup of over-brewed coffee.

Don’t fret! Whether you work remotely, or work in-person, The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work is here to help. This book is designed with a not-at-all patented every-other-page format to provide you with a pause between each meditation so that you can breathe and reflect. We also know that you’re overworked and would appreciate the opportunity to not have to look at spreadsheets for a few minutes.

This little gem of a book will help you:

FEEL energized by the speed of your workflow

UNDERSTAND the importance of taking on special projects

PONDER if an inbox can ever truly be empty

FIND your way to yet another cup of coffee

…and so much more!

The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work makes a perfect gift for anyone who has ever had to work in the nine-to-five grind or for anyone who works in an actual or virtual office at any hour or works inside or outside of a building.

So, get right to it and start reading this book today…before your coffee break is over!

The Wee Treasury of Workday Meditations: Thoughts to Think While You Do the Work is available today for pre-order on Amazon for the Kindle edition. The e-book and paperback are scheduled for release on April 1, 2022.

Part of the proceeds of this book will go toward the college expenses of my son, who has Autism. My son plans to major in Biology so he can become a wildlife researcher, and I am doing all I can to help him do that. My son has approved this message. Thank you.

About the Author
I have been a purveyor of humor since the third grade. Since that time I have quietly honed my humorous view of life as a serious coping skill for whatever path I walked along. Fortunately, there was plenty to laugh about along the way – most notably it was my grade school impromptu performance art of “Alien Hand Syndrome” which was inspired by “The Weekly World News” (and made my mom and sister laugh so much with many command performances requested). Despite being told by my high school science class lab partner, “You’re not funny, you know,” my humorous ways persisted. I later developed a laughter-through-anxiety writing method while I struggled to find a way to survive alone in New York City in a low paying entry level publishing job. From this traumatic experience, my first book was written/born: “How to Survive and Thrive in New York on $19,000 a Year (or Less) Before Taxes.”

I unexpectedly became aware that I was a humor writer when I took a poetry class in New York City. As I read aloud what I thought were deep and poignant thoughts, scattered laughter sprang up from multiple sources in the classroom around me. Although crushed and hotly embarrassed, I went along with my haunting scribbles as being deliberately humorous – and then enrolled in a TV sitcom writing class instead.

My writing reawakened after having children and I found it was a quiet, relaxing and affordable outlet for me. I was thrilled when I had some humorous essays published online, and flattered when they were subsequently published in a book. I created a blog “Fortyteen Candles” about a decade ago which helped me learn how to quickly craft an essay. That blog made me proud because I learned I could connect with other people through my writing. Since then, while muddling through the inertia of the 9 to 5 grind, I have finally accepted that creativity is what makes me feel content. The writings I create are therapeutic and healing for me. I hope you can relate to my books by finding something in them that makes you feel happy as well!