Your Simple Medicare Guide By R.J. Swanson

Your Simple Medicare Guide By R.J. Swanson
Genres: Non-Fiction, Self-Help

Step-By-Step Medicare Insurance Coverage Explained

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About the Book

Every day about 10,000 Americans enter retirement and have to make vital choices about their medical care. But only a small percentage get it right.
Are you overwhelmed by all the adverts and media marketing about what Medicare product to choose?

Do all the small print, legislation, and regulations seem pretty confusing?

Have you heard some horror stories about Medicare choices gone wrong, and worry that this might happen to you?

Let’s face it, choosing Medicare coverage options can feel like wading through mud. There are so many choices, coinsurances, copayments, deductibles, extra deal sweeteners, red tape, possible penalties, and variations on price, quality, and service delivery.

No wonder it’s hard to decide.

But Medicare is something you cannot afford to take lightly or ignore. After all, it’s your primary source of health services at the age when you need healthcare the most.

If you’re looking for clear and straightforward guidance on how to make the most of Medicare, you’ve come to the right place.

In this informative, practical, and to-the-point guide, you will discover:

  • The wisdom and learning gathered by an experienced Medicare agent compiled into categories to make it quickly and easily accessible
  • The three main things you will need to do when it comes to Medicare, and what to do first to make it all so much easier
  • How to find an ethical, reputable Medicare agent that you can trust, and who will grow with you through your retirement years
  • How to find the best coverage for your specific needs with the least amount of financial risk to your savings
  • What your options are, and how to decide which ones work best for you based on lifestyle, affordability, and ease of use
  • How to access financial subsidies and assistance where needed — Medicare can be affordable no matter what your situation is
  • How to handle Medicare choices as a family, and what to do in situations where your spouse’s age or employment needs to be factored in
  • How to avoid the worst and most common problems and pitfalls of the system, so that you aren’t caught in a medical emergency
  • How to do the basic annual housekeeping you need to keep costs down and make sure you have the best Medicare plan for your specific needs
  • Important timelines for enrolments, changes, downgrades, and upgrades
  • What to do if you need to change your current Medicare plan, and how this works
  • Answers to the most commonly asked Medicare questions

And much more.

A lot of Medicare books read like encyclopedias of information — they are hard to sift through to find out what you really need to know right now.

That’s the point of this guidebook. It’s so easy to understand and apply, so you won’t need to spend hours rereading the same sentence, or sifting through pages of confusing facts.

Get only the essential information you need and make the best Medicare decisions for you.

Finally, you can understand Medicare now and moving forward