Category: Paranormal Mystery

Cozy Mysteries from Sara Bourgeois

Cozy Mysteries from Sara Bourgeois

Sara Bourgeois is a Midwesterner through and through. She spends her time writing, reading, and standing in her driveway during tornado warnings. (You can’t see them from the basement.)

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Paranormal Cozy Mystery
Mummy Knows Best
By Sara Bourgeois

Paranormal Cozy Mystery
All That’s Hallow
By Sara Bourgeois

Cozy Mystery
Mojitos & Murder
By Sara Bourgeois
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Sci-fi Mystery – The Devil Whispered

Sci-fi Mystery – The Devil Whispered




Date Published: 3/1/2021

Retired special-forces commander Jacobi Slate is drawn into a downward-spiraling vortex of fear and doubt while investigating a brutal murder committed by an old friend. As evidence mounts that someone else might be pulling strings from the shadows, Jacobi struggles to understand a developing connection to his own past, which is quickly catching up to him.

Near-future cyberpunk collides with gritty detective noir in this fast-paced thriller that shines a light on both the vast shortcomings and the noble heroism of the human condition. To unravel the mystery, Jacobi will pull on every thread while chasing leads from the squalor of the most dangerous streets to the high-tech towers of the wealthy elite on his quest to understand a truth he might not be ready to face.


My consciousness snapped online with abrupt decisiveness. I had the acute feeling of being alone in a world that was wrongly serene, like the silence of the dead. I’d been dreaming of something horrifying, but the details were dancing just outside the boundary of my ability to recall. The panic I’d woken with was caught in my chest. It held me frozen to the sheets as my mind reconfigured to the safety and familiarity of my apartment. Though the context of the dream was faded and surreal, the fear was vivid and raw. It was a visceral terror, compounded by a deeply rooted aversion to vulnerability.

As I lay there, waiting for the sensation of cold dread to die away, the room was unceremoniously lit up by the glow of the wide monitor that comprised the wall opposite my bed. Shielding my eyes from the sting of the sudden light, I heard Ava, my virtual concierge, ask if I would like to receive a call.

Who’s calling?” I asked with what little energy I’d mustered.

A Pavel Volkov is awaiting your response.” Her voice was always the same, mildly empathetic with a touch of encouragement.

I wrapped the sheet around me and grudgingly pulled myself up to sit on the side of the bed. Looking out from the tall windows that constituted the eastern-facing wall of my bedroom, I saw that it was still deep in the night. The only radiance beyond the panes was generated by the city itself; from the broken lines of luminous code emanating from the trickling streams of traffic far below, and the windows of the high-rises that towered above them – light and dark, the ones and zeroes of a binary skyline.

Yeah, okay.”

Then, Pavel’s finely kempt visage was smiling keenly at me from my wall. He was standing on a rocky beach, and waves were lapping at the shore behind him. He wore a white silk suit and a bemused expression that seemed inappropriately unapologetic.

It’s late, Pavel.”

Good morning, Jacobi. My apologies for contacting you at this hour, but I thought you’d want to know that I’ve located the target.”

Where are you?”

I’ll send coordinates to your CUBE.”

Pavel Volkov was a liar and a thief. He’d conned so many wealthy aristocrats that he’d become one himself, but he stayed in the game for the sake of his own twisted entertainment. He was an artist, who specialized in painting perfect illusions. Deception was his medium, but I’d worked with him for long enough that I trusted him when it came to getting the job done. Traces of malaise from my restless sleep were lingering, so the notion of lucid wakefulness was a welcome one.

I’m on my way,” I said. “End call.”

Pavel’s smirking face faded as the monitor went dark, and I was left with only my thoughts and the reiterating cycles of light from the softly glowing city outside. In the silence, I heard the faint percussion of fiery horse hooves falling away as the nightmare visiting me surrendered the assault and retreated to the depths of wherever dark dreams were designed.

About the Author

Shawn lives in Massachusetts with his wife and the handful of childhood stuffed animals that they’ve been unable to part ways with, even despite the awkward situation it occasionally puts their house guests in. He wields a coveted Associates of Liberal Arts degree from Greenfield Community college in an overly enthusiastic, flailing manner, and puts it to work writing both fantasy and science fiction stories. Using subliminal codes and hidden messaging carefully placed throughout his books, he plans to captivate the minds of his readers and insidiously manipulate them into purchasing subsequent releases.

As a novelist, musician, graphic designer, and a purveyor of fine games, Shawn is often confused about exactly who he is when he wakes up in the morning. It’s been said (by him) that perhaps he embodies all of these things so equally that a singular definition could not comprehensively impart a satisfactory description. With your support, and a sufficient demand for more novels, he secretly hopes that he’ll have no choice but to formally acknowledge the prevailing label of ‘author’ and spend the rest of his days providing a sense of wonder and adventure to everyone who helped him solidify his nebulous identity.

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Paranormal Mystery – Blood on The Chesapeake

Paranormal Mystery – Blood on The Chesapeake

The Haunted Shores Mysteries, Book 1

Paranormal Mystery

Date Published: April 10, 2019

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


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A Murder Mystery, a Ghost Story, and a Dangerous Romance all combine to
make Blood on the Chesapeake a Suspense Thriller That You Just Cannot Put

Wilshire, Maryland seems like the perfect shore town on the Chesapeake
Bay—quiet, scenic, charming—and promises Darrell Henshaw a new
start in life and a second chance at love. That is, until he learns the town
hides an ugly secret. A thirty-year-old murder in the high school. And a
frightening ghost stalking his new office. Burned by an earlier encounter
with the spirit world—with the OCD scars to prove it—he does NOT
want to get involved. But when the desperate ghost hounds him, Darrell
concedes.  Assisted by his new love, he follows a trail that leads to
the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and even the Klu Klux
Klan. Then, when two locals who try to help are murdered, Darrell is forced
to decide if he’s willing to risk his life—and the life of the
woman he loves—to expose the killers of a young man he never


Second Book in The Haunted Shores Mysteries Just Released!!!



Crimson at Cape May

The Haunted Shores Mysteries, Book 2

Release Date: July 20, 2020

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


No matter how far you run, you can never really escape a haunted

Darrell Henshaw—teacher, coach, and paranormal
sensitive—learned this lesson the hard way. Now, with his job gone and
few options, he heads for Cape May to coach a summer football camp. The
resort town, with gorgeous beaches, rich history and famous Victorian
mansions, might just be the getaway he needs. Only, no one told him Cape May
is the most haunted seaport on the East Coast.

When a resident ghost, the Haunted Bride, stalks Darrell, begging for his
help, he can’t refuse, and joins forces with Cassie, another sensitive. As
Darrell and the street-wise teen investigate the bride’s death, they uncover
something far more sinister than a murder. Can Darrell and Cassie expose
those behind the crimes before they end up becoming the next victims?

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About the Author

Dr. Randy Overbeck is a veteran educator who has served children for more
than three decades as a teacher and school leader, winning national
recognition for his work. Over that time, he has performed many of the roles
depicted in his fiction, with responsibilities ranging from coach and
yearbook advisor to principal and superintendent. An accomplished writer, he
has been published in academia, the popular press and, more recently, in
better bookstores. His first novel, Leave No Child Behind, won the 2011
Silver Award for Thriller of the Year from His second
novel, Blood on the Chesapeake, a ghost story/mystery released this year by
the Wild Rose Press, has earned 5 STAR REVIEWS from,
Long and Short Reviews, Literary Titan and Chanticleer Book Reviews. It also
garnered national awards, the GOLD AWARD from Literary Titan and Honorable
Mention from Readers View. Blood is the first in a new series called the
“Haunted Shores Mysteries.” Dr. Overbeck is a member of the
Mystery Writers of America and an active member of the literary


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