Category: Poetry

Poetry – Fire and Harmony

Poetry – Fire and Harmony




Date Published: May 4, 2021

Publisher: ShyMonkey Publishing

Poetry is the transfer of feelings and emotions onto the blank page. Great poetry shakes the heart and wakes the soul. Dare to read this collection; give yourself the opportunity to have your brain picked, heart squeezed, and soul poked. All poems are open to interpretation. If there’s one, two, or a few that don’t sit well with you, don’t get offended or startled. Maybe look and ask yourself why they hit you the way they did. Understand that when we get tangled in our feelings, we tend to say and write things that might seem harsh. But we really don’t mean those things—maybe—sometimes. This work of poetry goes into an array of emotions of today’s man because we have feelings too. In the five phases of the book, you’ll find poetry that aligns with mental health, love, motivation, being a man, and family. The poems carry sentiments of everyday life. We all experience highs and lows and sometimes struggle to find balance.

About the Author

A.F Agui started his writing journey in his early teens. He viewed it as a form art, and he wanted to be in mix, to create his own art and add to the artistic world. So, he did. Later, in his early twenties he discovered there was more to it than just beauty. He realized the simplicity of putting ink to paper was more than just symbols with meaning. The simplicity came with complexity. Because the art became a form of expression. AFA likes to give life to the pages he touches. He knows those pages can carry more human emotions than words can explain. He believes written words can reach souls, and he intends too.

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Poetry – From the Inside

Poetry – From the Inside




Date Published: March 15, 2021

This book of poems is about thoughts, feelings, and emotions we all experience, struggle with, and that have been brought to the forefront by this current pandemic. Losing loved ones, our freedom, and everything taken for granted in our daily lives; while facing sadness, anger, grief, and loneliness, has taught us the importance of our love for nature, gratitude, happiness, cherished memories, and relationships. No feeling or emotion is too small or negligible. Acknowledging and expressing them is my voice from the inside.

About The Author

Thanvi Voruganti is an exuberant ten-year-old living with her parents, Deepika and Mahender in Chandler, AZ. She loves writing short stories and thoughtful poetry and is an avid reader who loves fantasy, fiction, and playing board games. Thanvi however, is no athlete and prefers sitting curled up with an interesting book in her hands. Thanvi is very affable, quiet, and a profound thinker.

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Poetry, Short Stories – Six Word Story By Doug Weller

Poetry, Short Stories – Six Word Story By Doug Weller


Stories, Memoirs, Poems and Jokes all written in only six words


Six Word Stories, Book 2

Poetry, Short Stories

Release Date: February 18, 2021

Publisher: Hebe Publications

Six Word Story is a collection of stories, jokes, memoirs, and poems, all written in only six words.

Find horror, romance, thriller, hilarity, and tragedy all bundled in a few tiny words.

This collection of micro-fiction gives readers a chance to get an instant dose of story.

Six Word Story by Doug Weller includes the winner of the 2020 Six Word Wonder Contest, with over 1000 stories were entered. As well as publication, the winner receives a $50 prize as the Six Word Wonder 2020.

This is the follow-up book to Six Word Wonder by Doug Weller. Over 500 six word stories to surprise, entertain, and amuse.

@SixWordWonder has over 10,000 followers. You can find out more at

Here are a few six word stories to spark your interest:

– Undertaker paused when he heard tapping

– Today, I remembered I had dementia.

– Slowly completed her father’s bucket list

– Dear diary, he’s outside the door. . .

These stories and many more are played out over ten movements in Six Word Story.


Other Books in the Six Word Stories Series:



Six Word Stories, Book 1


Release Date: June 18, 2020

Six words to tell a story.

Not three, or eight, or twenty.

You may ask – is six enough?

Well, trust me, six is plenty.”

A collection of over five hundred stories, each one exactly six words long. Some stories are funny, some poetic, some vulgar, and some are a little disturbing. Each story has been lovingly crafted to amuse and entertain you in six words.

Doug Weller’s Six Word Wonder is a social media sensation, with over 10,000 followers on Instagram.

Now, for the first time, Doug brings his best tiny stories together in one collection.

Unlocking the cage, she stepped out.

Cupid. Tomorrow, aim for his head.

Home alone, but toilet just flushed.

Baby loves whining. Mother loves wine.

reader. I’m a very gifted mind…

I poured two glasses… then remembered.

Take a moment out of your hectic schedule to enjoy these Six Word Wonders.


About The Author

Doug Weller is a writer of psychological thrillers and creator of the Six Word Wonder. His mission is to entertain, educate, and amuse.

His new book, Six Word Story, bring stories, jokes and poetry together. Each written in only six words.

Six Word Wonder is a social media sensation, with over 10,000 followers on Instagram @sixwordwonder

You can find Doug at

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Poetry – Out of Brokenness

Poetry – Out of Brokenness


Poetry Collection


Date Published: 2/16/21

Experience a vividly honest, vulnerable, bold, and beautiful journey and go on your own along the way.




Unbreaking brokenness…

Finding me

No facing those parts of me







Of what makes me whole

The pain

And joy

The tears

And laughter

Not diminishing one over the other



Like pieces of a puzzle

Fitting together

Shaping itself

Into completeness

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SHOETRY – Fireflies at 3 am

SHOETRY – Fireflies at 3 am



A fusion of poetry and short story in the narratives.

Date Published: December 12, 2020

Publisher: StoryMirror

Fireflies at 3 am’ brings a landmark new genre to the world of literature. It’s a book with the flow of poetry but the ebb of short stories – rightfully called “Shoetry”.

This creation takes you to the roots of humanity – stripping back the veneers of life, society and interaction to see people and their ways in an entirely new light.


About the Author

As a child, he was known to cook up stories to save his little ass or to pass his exams. Then he grew up a bit, only in age and size, and went to college. There, he wrote plays, won a few awards and was told to try his luck in advertising. Some kind soul, who had limited knowledge about advertising, told him that this field was all about wearing jeans to work and late-night parties. He needed no further persuasion, and without losing any more time, got into advertising.

Over the last 18 years, he worked at some of the biggest advertising agencies in the world, made some memorable ads, won international recognition for his work, and learned how to manage acid reflux. Life was OK, but he decided to complicate it by writing a book.

People nowadays avoid him like the plague lest he ask them to review his work. His children have started studying harder and his wife has taken up baking so that they can escape his nagging requests, every now and then, to read what he’s written. But all said and done, none of that has dampened his spirits. Currently, he is looking forward to selling over a million copies and is busy convincing each of his friends to buy more than 3 copies of the book. Sucker.

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Horror Poetry – The Man Who Married Death

Horror Poetry – The Man Who Married Death

Horror, Poetry


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Zylen LaRocque, a twenty-eight-year-old depressive, arranges to be taken by
Death, but his suicide fails, and he ends up proposing to the supernatural
entity instead. Death accepts Zylen’s heart and takes up partial
residence in his being, which allows Death to affect the tangible realm at
whim. Manipulated like a puppet, Zylen becomes entangled in Death’s
countless affairs and finds himself continuously washing blood off his hands
as his life, and everyone in it, descends into a whirlwind of mania and




Excerpt from Part I

For the Love of Death



A vast amoebic shadow,

He sifts between the snowflakes

Cascading over this mountain peak.

Beneath the moon’s bleak beam,

His silhouette deviates,

Casting a dozen twisting ribbons into the night.

Their tips fade,

As if reaching from the living dominion

Into the one after this—

The world that he calls home,

The world in which I’ll soon be.

I shiver and lurch in the storm wind,

But he glides steadily toward me.

Made of spirit, he is not moved by mortal things—

As I, a mortal, am.

Jealousy sears me,

Who yearns to be like him:

Solely spirit.

I ache to shed this prison of flesh and bone

Anchoring me to an earthly plane

That’s composed from strata of deceit and pain.

For twenty-eight years I watched my every love and intention

Gradually pollute until it shook and withered,

Then crumbled and dissolved

In this plane’s invisible, insatiable mouth,

Completely gone—along with the piece of my spirit it owned.

Lost, I wander meandering fruitless paths

With a hollow heart.


About the Author

Dripping blades, psychological experiments, bone homes, human bombs,
sanguinary sonatas, hungry straightjackets, supernatural lovers, fleshy
snacks—and so much more. Amy Langevin loves peering into chaotic
psyches, trying on their masks, seeing through their eyes, and writing their
stories. To her, there is so much more to every ‘evil’ character. Habitually
closing books with the gnawing desire to experience the story from the
‘bad guy’s’ view, she began writing such stories herself.
In so doing, she discovered reflections of their darkness in herself. It
felt as if her soul was calling out to be seen—for her to shatter her
shiny façade and explore herself in her full spectrum.

Amy’s first horror poetry collection is The Man Who Married Death
(2017), and her first novel is Spineless (2017). Her short story “Tied
in Love” was published in Thirteen Vol. 3 (Easkey Castle Books), and
“The Required Bits” was published in 100 Doors to Madness
(Forgotten Tomb Press).

Currently she lives in Los Angeles, in a strange man’s basement,
knowing one day she’ll escape.


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Poetry – The History of Eternity

Poetry – The History of Eternity

Poetry, Philosophy

Published: February 2020

Publisher: Setarcos Spectrum Publications

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You cannot help but wonder what and why you are. The History of Eternity is
a book that again and again answers these questions, as it celebrates the
tragic joy of wonder at the enigma of your existence. There will always be a
clamoring after elusive fact. There will always be a hankering for some
durable theory that will explain the fact. There will always be an inability
to match the one wholly with the other. Because something is always left
out, there will always persist a stubbornly invisible and intractable
remainder. And this remainder, this dark matter behind every thought, behind
every desire, behind every joy, behind every sorrow, will continue to
populate your universe with wonder. Read this book, if you will, and share
that wonder.

You are born into a conspiracy of significance, already entangled with your
equally lonely others. The history of eternity, the tension between nowhere
and now here, defines the struggle between the life you are living now and
whatever there may be of the life to come. The History of Eternity is a
series of broken elegies to those who have mattered, to their moments and
your moments, to their sanity and your sanity, to their madness and your
madness. The History of Eternity is one man’s meditation on the
reverberating shock of his encounter with Henry Adams, Aristotle, Augustine,
Bach, Balzac, Beckett, Bergson, Bloch, Boehme, Bonhoeffer, Cervantes,
Chekhov, Cicero, Claudel, Dante, Darwin, Derrida, Emily Dickinson,
Dostoevsky, Eckhart, Emerson, Ezekiel, Faulkner, Gide, Goethe, Heraclitus,
Herodotus, Hume, Isaiah, Henry James, Jeremiah, Samuel Johnson, Kafka,
Kierkegaard, D.H. Lawrence, Leopardi, Levinas, Joan of Arc, Joe Louis,
Lucretius, Machiavelli, Malraux, McTaggart, Milton, Montaigne, Newton,
Nietzsche, Parmenides, Pascal, Plotinus, Plutarch, Proust, Rabelais,
Rembrandt, Rosenzweig, Rousseau, Sartre, Schopenhauer, Schubert, Adam Smith,
Sophocles, Spinoza, Edith Stein, Wallace Stevens, Tocqueville, Van Gogh,
Virgil, Von Hofmannsthal, Wagner, Weil, Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Woolf,
Yeats, and many others.

Considered collectively, and as one integral whole, these philosophic
meditations in poetic form echo the meaning of eternity as reflected in the
troubled hearts, minds, and lives of 144 historic individuals, famous or
unknown. There is – in the history of philosophy and literature – nothing
akin to it in nature and scope.


 About the Author

Mr. James E. Winder was born on June 16, 1953, in Athens, Tennessee, and
graduated summa cum laude from Vanderbilt University in 1975 with a B.A. in
philosophy and literature. He earned an M.A. in philosophy from Purdue
University in 1980.

James Winder spent the lion’s share of his career as a mid-level manager
and intelligence analyst for the National Security Agency (NSA), where he
retired in 2013 after 30 years of service. At NSA, Mr. Winder’s most
noteworthy assignment was in 1991-1992, when he served as Assistant Director
of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). During that
time, he co-authored a report for President George H.W. Bush on intelligence
lessons learned during the first Gulf War and provided extensive research
and documentation on a wide range of other matters of great interest to the
PFIAB board members. In a special commendation, then Acting PFIAB Chairman,
Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, cited Mr. Winder for his “expert advice to the
President of the United States” and for his “extremely incisive and timely
contributions on some very complex issues.”

During three decades at NSA, Mr. Winder produced three classified,
book-length studies, most notably including a comprehensive report on an
important subject, which won NSA’s annual Cryptologic Literature Award. He
also wrote a wide variety of other in-depth reports on Soviet intelligence,
terrorism, and technical threats to U.S. telecommunications.

Mr. Winder is the author of The History of Eternity, a series of
philosophic meditations in poetic form, which is, according to Mr. Winder,
the cryptic story of his life and the lives of many others. There is – in
the history of philosophy or literature – no other work that is akin to it
in nature and scope.

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