Category: New Adult Romance

New Adult Romance – Cinnamon & Sugar

New Adult Romance – Cinnamon & Sugar


New Adult, Interracial Romance


Date Published: January 18, 2021

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Humphrey Bertrand’s genius-level IQ can’t help him find his moral compass. His family is filled with racial conflicts and he struggles to find his own way. But he cannot let anyone drown, regardless of their skin color.

Alicia Bloom, a gifted valedictorian and poet runs away from an abusive situation. While she is thankful to Humphrey for saving her life she doesn’t want to be tied to anyone.

When an attempt on her life forces them to hit the road together to stay one step ahead of a murderous maniac they wonder if their dreams of a future will be put on hold permanently.

Meet the heroine of my story as I see her. Alicia Bloom. Young and gorgeous, a valedictorian and poet who cannot go to college, being held back by her fosters. So she runs away and immediately finds herself in a world of hate in which she becomes the target of a homicidal maniac, just because she talked back to him. Just because she’s black.

About The Author

RW Richard is a multiple award winning author. Published by The Wild Rose Press. Member of RWA, swimmer, chess master, X So Cal Senior Champ, wrote 9 books.

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Twitter: @rwrichard_



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Barnes and Noble


The Wolves of Sherwood Forest (novella) free fr a limited time. Contact author for details!

RABT Book Tours & PR
Contemporary Romance – #Blocked

Contemporary Romance – #Blocked


Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance


Published: December 2020

Publisher: Satin Romance

Fashion influencer, Winter Smith, portrays a picture-perfect lifestyle to her many followers. In reality, she’s plagued by anxiety, panic attacks, and the memories of an abusive past relationship. Winter’s best friend Mia, a health and fitness influencer, finally convinces her to get out of the house and attend the grand opening of a hipster-tech bowling alley in Portland, Oregon. There she meets the charming, tattoo-covered owner, Bo Blaine. No matter how hard she resists, Winter can’t deny the electricity between them.

When Bo Blaine, the youngest member of the powerful Pacific Northwest Blaine family, meets Winter Smith, he’s instantly infatuated. Their connection is undeniable, but when he tries to contact her again, he hits a brick wall. Email. Phone. App. Every social media platform. BLOCKED. Bo has worked hard to shake his “bad boy” reputation, but he knows that anything posted or written about him online will be there forever.

How can Bo convince Winter that he’s more than his digital footprint? And if he ever does get unblocked online and IRL, will the demons of both of their pasts derail what they could have together?

About the Author

Savannah Thomas was born and raised in Podunk*, Oregon. She escaped her self-diagnosed Prison of Shyness Disorder by self-medicating with daily doses of Head in the Clouds antibiotics. Her severe daydreaming turned into poetry and story writing and at the age of 15 she was published in Anthology of Poetry for Young Americans. Years later she sold a story about her mother’s mental illness to the now defunct Elle Girl (the younger sibling to Elle magazine), and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Savannah has an affinity for creating tantalizing worlds with relatable characters, particularly in the romance and fantasy genres. Besides her passion for writing, Savannah loves making music, acting (check out her imdb page!), listening to podcasts, playing video games, and snuggling with her cat Jessie.

*Not actual name of town

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New Adult Romance – Cinnamon & Sugar

New Adult Romance – Cinnamon & Sugar


New Adult, Interracial Romance


Date Published: January 18, 2021

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Humphrey Bertrand’s genius-level IQ can’t help him find his moral compass. His family is filled with racial conflicts and he struggles to find his own way. But he cannot let anyone drown, regardless of their skin color.

Alicia Bloom, a gifted valedictorian and poet runs away from an abusive situation. While she is thankful to Humphrey for saving her life she doesn’t want to be tied to anyone.

When an attempt on her life forces them to hit the road together to stay one step ahead of a murderous maniac they wonder if their dreams of a future will be put on hold permanently.


A sweaty Alicia left the poolside gym, at the Marriot, near Dartmouth, New Hampshire. The pool and poolside were devoid of people except for Humphrey. She ogled him while he sprinted the butterfly up and down the outdoor sapphire pool. Droplets danced on his wide shoulders and lats. His incredible body caressed the waters, producing a smooth trowel the length of him. Every part of him made her yearn for a lover named Humphrey. On the run with the world’s cutest boy, one must avoid freefalling off a cliff. Rocks often awaited at the bottom.

He still put up makeshift curtains between their beds, but it had gotten cold at night.

She ran to their room and changed into a red, white, and blue bikini she had bought in Cambridge, but coming out on the deck, she chickened at the idea of getting wet.

He stopped his exercise and allowed his shoulders to slack, likely exhausted. He gawked when she sauntered over to near the pool’s edge in the patriotic swimsuit, and there he sloshed in water, mock fanning himself. Boys. But she was tickled to the point she almost squealed. Oh, he liked her figure all right.

He waved. “Come on in.” And saluted her.

True they still had the pool to themselves, so nobody would laugh at her awkwardness. “I don’t know how to swim.” She squinted from the bright sun.

I can teach you.”

About The Author

RW Richard is a multiple award winning author. Published by The Wild Rose Press. Member of RWA, swimmer, chess master, X So Cal Senior Champ, wrote 9 books.

Contact Links



Twitter: @rwrichard_



Purchase Links


Barnes and Noble


The Wolves of Sherwood Forest (novella) free for a limited time. Contact author for details!