Gothic Regency Romance – The Vicar’s Daughter

Gothic Regency Romance

Released: August 2020

Publisher: Kone Enterprises


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Independent and capable Prudence Wedderburn, daughter of a vicar, is a
woman before her time. She not only manages the parish duties usually
performed by a vicar’s wife, she has learned the art of healing, and during
her father’s final illness, she also assumes some of his religious
duties—all actions welcomed by her village until her father’s death
abruptly ends her life as First Lady of Kenner’s Cove, Kent.

Well aware she must curb her independence—even learn to practice
subservience, a quality entirely unknown to her—Prudence accepts a
position as governess to a five-year-old girl in Cornwall. Where, alas,
rumors of her activities in Kent plunge her into difficulties with the
church, she clashes with her pupil’s father (an earl), finds herself
hip-deep in smugglers and Cornish legends, is befriended by a 500-year-old
cat, and discovers that someone—several someones?—want to kill
her. Finding a happy ending in a deluge of disasters will be the vicar’s
daughter’s greatest challenge.




About the Author

My mother was a highly successful author of children’s books, and for many
years it never occurred to me it was possible to have two authors in the
same family. I pursued a career in music, as teacher and performer, touring
in the first National Company of The Sound of Music. But only when my
children were off to college did I seriously consider trying my own hand at
writing. And discovered I loved it. To be able to create people, even whole
worlds from the imagination is a never-ending joy.

I was fortunate enough to win a number of writing awards, but after nine
print books, in 2011 I plunged into the world of e-books and never looked
back. It offers a level of creative freedom not to be found anywhere else.
As Blair Bancroft, I have become best known for books set in the Regency
period (early 19th c.)—Regency Gothics, Regency Historicals,
Traditional Regencies, and a series that reveals the darker side of the
Regency era (The Aphrodite Academy). I also write SciFi/Fantasy/Paranormal,
Romantic Suspense, and Mystery, with a Medieval Young Adult and a Steampunk
thrown in for good measure. (I do enjoy experimenting with new

I now have more than forty books available through online vendors,
including a non-fiction compilation of all the Writing and Editing tips
posted to my blog since 2011 (Making Magic with Words).

I am an outspoken advocate of “out of the mist” writing. One of
my favorite sayings: I can hardly wait to sit down to my computer each
morning and find out what my characters are going to do today.


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