Handbooks for Humans, Volume 1: Learn to Manage Your Attitudes in All Your Relationships

In the traditions of Life’s Little Instruction Book, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, and the Messiah’s Handbook, Handbooks for Humans will provide you guidelines to help make you a better person, and learn to manage our attitudes in our relationships with ourselves and others.You probably wish you were given instructions for living at birth. Because, the truth is, being human isn’t easy. Now, by putting in the effort, working with the guidelines in the Handbook for Humans, Volume 1, there is a path forward that makes it easier. You could probably read this book in a matter of minutes, glean some helpful insights, and toss it aside…or pay attention to each guideline, reflect, go more deeply inside, and do some work. As a reward, you can learn to articulate your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences which in turn create your attitudes. Your attitudes affect every interaction you have in this world. As one of the guidelines teaches us,Never stop learning.It’s never too late to be a better human.Handbooks for Humans, Volume 1 provides a platform for personal work and sharing, making it perfect for individuals, couples, and families.

Reader Reviews

“These days, most of us rush through our lives, consumed by work, school, family, and social obligations — and by technology. We rarely take the time to reflect on how we feel, who we are now, who we want to be, and how to get there. Many people feel a mild (or major) vague dissatisfaction or a longing or greater meaning, or would if they took time to reflect. This book is perfect because it is so versatile. Readers can scan all the guidelines quickly and feel a sense of promise. Go through each guideline in sequence, one at a time, savoring the thoughts and feelings and paths forward that emerge. Focus on one or a few guidelines that particularly speak to where they are now, work on those, and then return to others later. Do a lot of work all at once, or spread it out. There are so many ways to use this book, depending on the reader’s personality, lifestyle, and purpose. No matter who you are, this book provides value.”Valerie Overton, Reviewer

“Handbook for Humans is a treasure trove of pearls of wisdom and I look forward to coming back to each of them over and over. I was first introduced to Grace when she spoke at the Internal Family Systems Annual Conference in Fall 2017. In her speech, Grace spoke about the fact that when faced with something or someone that is “different,” we often default to the belief that because we do not understand what makes others “different,” we cannot accept those that we consider “different.” She encouraged us to lead with acceptance and assured us that understanding will follow, and her message was powerful. Her speech and this particular nugget of wisdom prompted lots of healthy self reflection within me and caused me to become a lifelong fan of Grace and her work. I highly recommend this Handbook and encourage all readers to spend time reflecting on the page which reads, “Acceptance must precede understanding. Understanding may lead to knowing. Knowing is never complete.” In these divisive times, I find it important to keep coming back to acceptance, with faith that understanding and knowing will follow. I, in turn, commit to spending time with this Handbook over the course of the next year mining for more pearls of wisdom that I know will spur more self reflection and growth. Thank you for your work, Grace. PS: I agree with another reviewer who recommended the print version of the book. I am an avid ebook reader, but for this book, I highly recommend the paper copy so that you can use it as a workbook or journal.”C. Gillen, Reviewer

“Handbooks for Humans is a wonderful book! It is a self-help, self-improvement workbook or journal. It is full of inspirational sayings and provide you guidelines. As you read these guidelines, you can see, feel and think of it as a new beginning. This book can involve personal work, reflecting, growth and sharing with others your experience. It makes you think about yourself, your life, and maybe understand other humans as well. This book empowers me and what I’m thinking. Thank you Grace for your amazing work. A must read for everyone. I highly recommend the paperback so that you can use it as a workbook or journal.”Greg Robinson, Reviewer


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About the Author:

Grace Anne Stevens is a writer and speaker on living authentically.

After over forty years as an engineer and manager in the tech world, she returned to school and received her M.A. in Counseling Psychology at the age of 62. She has participated in and seen life from many sides.

Each day she looks forward to what the future may bring on her own journey learning how to be a better human.

In 2016 Grace was selected by Amtrak as one of their Writer’s in Residence and named as Person of the Year by New England Pride TV.

Grace lives in Lexington Massachusetts and enjoys biking on her new e-bike, beaching and babysitting for her grandchildren, as she learns something new each day.

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