Historical Drama – The Ninth Passage

Inspired by actual events, “The Ninth Passage” is the fictional story of Alec Driver, a WWII veteran turned choir teacher, who begins a romantic relationship with a student that does not end well.

Alec Driver, a WWII veteran, uses the GI bill to earn an advanced degree in music from a prestigious university. At age thirty-seven, with glowing recommendations in hand, he secures the post of choir teacher at a small town high school on Florida’s west coast. Soon after assuming his duties he falls in love with Tracy Ashbury a bright, talented and attractive student in his choir. Community outrage aroused by his courtship culminates in a resentful and belligerent student goading Alec into striking him. Influential citizens rescue Alec from potential dismissal. His subsequent marriage to Tracy and national recognition for the choir’s mastery vindicates Alec’s supporters or so it seems . . .

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About the Author:

Dale O. Cloninger is Professor Emeritus at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, having held several positions with the University including Dean of the School of Business. A Texas resident and Florida native, he’s authored scores of scholarly papers. “The Ninth Passage” is his third book.

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