Sci-fi Fantasy – Blood of the Prince Omnibus


Science Fiction, Fantasy

Date Published: August 2020

Publisher : RLD Publications


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An orphan discovers he can wield ancient, mysterious technology but will
pay a terrible price if he uses his wondrous skills to fight for his

As winter settles in an old man sits down to pen the tale of his youth. A
sense of melancholy, of love lost, and the disappointment of labors
performed in vain cloak his shoulders as he leans forward, the quill in the
weathered knuckles of his hand hovering over parchment. Asking himself where
it all began was unnecessary … time could not erase the flames that leapt
in his mind’s eye.

Herein contains Patrin’s complete first mission, Greater Things than Thou,
All Things Ruin, and That Which Remains From his early childhood memories,
kidnapping, salvation, and finally, the betrayal of his best friend.


About the Author

As a native Texan in the early 90s R.L. Dean created door programs for
bulletin board software. In 1998 R.L. became a Christian and has taught
expositional Sunday School at his local church for eight years. He currently
resides in southeast Texas with his wife of twenty years, ten cats, and two
stray dogs. He works in the IT industry as a technician for a large
restaurant chain, but his dream is to work professionally creating novels,
television shows, and films.


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