Science Fiction – Starfighter Rising


Science Fiction

Date Published: 9/17/2020


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The enemy wanted him. The galaxy needed him.

Sixty years ago Nolvarics nearly conquered the solar system. They were
defeated by starfighters.

Konran dreamed of becoming a starfighter, but he blew his one shot five
years ago. Now his life is stuck in neutral as a glorified rock

He didn’t expect to find Nolvarics lurking within the solar system.
They didn’t expect him to survive the confrontation.

Now all eyes are on Konran as he is plunged into a whirlwind of space
battles, peril, and conspiracy. The Nolvarics will stop at nothing to catch
him, dead or alive.

Can Konran rise up and claim his destiny, or will the galaxy fall?


About the Author

Daniel Seegmiller grew up loving Star Wars, Mech Warriors, and all things
sports. He started out as an English major before switching to his other
love, science. He has an MS in mechanical engineering and has worked on
everything from biomechanics, to machine learning, to defense technology.

Daniel loves dreaming up awesome adventures…like, literally, he
wakes up in the middle of the night with the best ideas. Most of the stories
he writes are for his kids. Starfighter Rising is his debut novel.

He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and three squirrelly


Contact Links


Facebook: Daniel Seegmiller Author

Twitter: @DanSeegWrites

Goodreads: Daniel Seegmiller