Tag: paranormal romance

Paranormal Romance –  A Cat for Troy

Paranormal Romance – A Cat for Troy


 Wishes & Dreams Series


Paranormal Romance


Date Published: 03-04-2021

Veterinarian Troy Shelton has no idea what he’s letting himself in for when he rescues a friend’s cat from the shelter after a dog attack. The friendly but demanding calico soon has Troy and his pregnant collie wrapped around her furry paw. But strange things begin happening in Troy’s home when he’s away, and he could almost think someone else was living there besides him.

Torn and hurting, Katerina appreciates Troy’s gentle care. She also appreciates his strong form and handsome face as much as the way he cuddles her. She’s trapped in her cat form until her wounds heal, but once she’s well again she finds herself oddly reluctant to resume her human form and life away from Troy. But someone else is interested in Troy, and that someone else has already tried to kill Cat once.

About the Author

Allie McCormack is a disabled U.S. military veteran, now pursuing her life-long dream of being a writer. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., as well as a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital in Riyadh. Allie now lives in wine country in beautiful southern California with her family and two rescue cats.

Allie says: “A writer is who and what I am… a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of story lines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination, and it is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories.”

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Paranormal Romance – Smoother Than Spumoni by Marilyn Barr

Paranormal Romance – Smoother Than Spumoni by Marilyn Barr


Strawberry Shifters spin-off. Series Hashtag #StrawberryShifters


Paranormal Romance


Date Published: 8/23/2021

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Susie Larkin is a dolphin shifter and heir to the humble Larkin’s Dairy Dip on Seagrass Island, FL. Pedaling ice cream from bicycle carts on the beach is just a stepping-stone for this future CEO of a frozen confection empire—or so she hopes.

Frank Paulino Jr. receives his first taste of freedom from Strawberry, KY in a summer internship at Bart’s Oyster bar. His pasta creations save the restaurant when red tide poisons the fresh fish of the bay, making him the most popular werewolf on Seagrass island.

Frank and Susie uncover a conspiracy that threatens not only the wildlife of the area but also their lives. Can these two shifters put their ambitions aside long enough to give their relationship a chance, or will Frank pay the ultimate price to protect Susie and the island she loves?


They move quickly, efficiently, and silently, only stopping to check over their shoulders every few minutes. When the exchange is complete, the truck starts again. Even though it is dark, without headlights they navigate unerringly through the native swamp.

That was weird. You thought it was weird right?”

Yeah, I want to know what is in those barrels.”

Let’s leave it alone. We have been gone for months and have no idea how this area has changed. Let’s go home and ask our parents or Wilson.”

Why? When one look at the label will answer all our questions? Besides, the truck has already left.”

They could return.”

As shady as they were acting, they aren’t coming back. Come on—”

No way, Susie Q. We are going home.” Her voice shakes as she lays down her ultimatum. She can’t abandon me here in case I succumb to Red Tide on the swim home. However, tears have already started rolling down her cheeks. My bestie is terrified.

You are right. Let’s go ask,” I say calmly. Why upset her more when I can bring a braver companion tomorrow? Surely a demon-slaying werewolf won’t be scared of a few barrels?



About the Author

Marilyn Barr currently resides in the wilds of Kentucky with her husband, son, and rescue cats. She has a diverse background containing experiences as a child prodigy turned medical school reject, published microbiologist, special education/inclusion science teacher, homeschool mother of a savant, certified spiritual/energy healer, and advocate for the autistic community. This puts her in the position to bring tales containing heroes who are regular people with different ability levels and body types, in a light where they are powerful, lovable, and appreciated.

When engaging with the real world, she is collecting characters, empty coffee cups, and unused homeschool curricula. She is a sucker (haha) for cheesy horror movies, Italian food, punk music, black cats, bad puns, and all things witchy.



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Urban Fantasy / Romance – Leaving the Shadows by Brooklyn Ann

Urban Fantasy / Romance – Leaving the Shadows by Brooklyn Ann


Brides of Prophecy, Book 8


Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance


Published: June 2021

Publisher: Broken Angels

Lead guitarist and apprentice mage Sylvis Jagwolfe has always been the quiet member of Rage of Angels. Though she enjoys spending time with her bandmates, she treasures moments of solitude when it’s just her, a guitar, and the wolf that’s been glued to her side lately. However, when battles against the Evil One’s horde accelerate, and her wolf turns out not to be a wolf, Sylvis discovers that she can’t remain in her shell any longer. She must emerge from the shadows, embrace her growing powers, and confront her awakening heart… or risk her side losing a critical alliance in the wars to come.

Other Books in the Brides of Prophecy Series:


Wrenching Fate


Brides of Prophecy, Book One

Ironic Sacrifice

Brides of Prophecy, Book Two

Conjuring Destiny

Brides of Prophecy, Book Three

Unleashing Desire

Brides of Prophecy, Book Four

Pleading Rapture

Brides of Prophecy, Book Five

Melding Souls

Brides of Prophecy, Book Six

Reclaiming the Magic

Brides of Prophecy, Book Seven


About The Author

Formerly an auto-mechanic, Brooklyn Ann thrives on writing romance featuring unconventional heroines and heroes who adore them. Author of historical paranormal romance in her critically acclaimed “Scandals with Bite” series, urban fantasy in the cult favorite, “Brides of Prophecy” novels, and the award winning, “Hearts of Metal Series, she’s now writing the “B Mine” series, horror romances riffing on the 1970s and 1980s horror movies.

She lives in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with her gamer son, rockstar/IT Guy boyfriend, and four cats.

She can be found online at https://brooklynannauthor.com as well as on Twitter and Facebook.

For exclusive updates, sneak peeks, and giveaways, sign up for Brooklyn Ann’s Newsletter at https://www.brooklynannauthor.com/newsletter/

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Paranormal Romance – When Darkness Falls: The Prophecy by Allie McCormack

Paranormal Romance – When Darkness Falls: The Prophecy by Allie McCormack


When Darkness Falls, Book 3


Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance, Vampire Romance

Release Date: July 1, 2021

The truce between humans and vampires has stabilized as the relationship between Alyssa and Lord Damien deepens. When a desperate group of refugees arrive at the city, bringing tales of a barbaric horde overrunning the lands to the west, the city’s resources are strained to assimilate them.

Just as life is settling back to normal, the worst of news arrives from scouts sent out to spy on the horde. The massive army is gearing up with plans to brave the hundreds of miles of stark desert to attack Al Khair itself, and Lord Damien must decide whether to follow their long code of non-involvement of human affairs, or to work with the humans to save their city.

*Please Note, this is a trilogy, with one sweeping story arc divided into three volumes. The books are not meant to be read alone, or out of order. If you prefer, you can buy all 3 volumes of the trilogy together in a boxed eBook set, When Darkness Falls: The Trilogy – Amazon


Want the Whole Trilogy in One Book?



When Darkness Falls: The Trilogy

Release Date: July 1, 2021

Ruled by a gracious, wise Sultana, the humans of the great desert city of Al Khair dwell in uneasy peace with the vampires and demons who claim the lands as their ancestral homelands under the leadership of an ancient, powerful vampire. Their shaky truce becomes strained when a young human woman arrives from distant lands.

Orphaned since childhood and outcast, Alyssa joins a caravan to the fabled Al Khair where she seeks only to make a new life for herself. A life that quickly becomes complicated when she draws the attention of the Dark Lord himself.

A thousand years ago, Lord Damien permitted the humans to build their city. When he senses a new, immensely powerful magical being in the land, Damien suspects the humans of plotting to overthrow him. Furious, he searches for the source of this power, but he cannot stop thinking of the young woman in the tower who had seen through his glamour spell that cloaks him from humans.

When he discovers that Alyssa is the mysterious being he has been seeking, his determination to have her for his own threatens to pit the two races, human and vampire, against each other in all-out war.

About the Author

A former career medical transcriptionist and disabled Veteran, Allie McCormack is now writing from home full-time. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., and also a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital there, plus a short stint with NATO while she was in the Army. Allie now lives in the beautiful southern California with her family and her two rescue cats.

Allie says: “A writer is who and what I am… a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of story lines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination, and it is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories.”

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Paranormal Romance – Blood Moon by Vicki Crum

Paranormal Romance – Blood Moon by Vicki Crum


Eternal Moon Series, Book 3


Paranormal Romance

Kat is out of her element when she arrives in Wyoming to do a story on an adventure excursion outfit. Her wilderness skills are non-existent until the hotter-than-hell owner of Into the Wild takes her under his wing and opens up a whole new world for her—in more ways than one.

Austin isn’t looking to complicate his life, but when his volatile attraction to Kat ignites an inferno in his werewolf blood, he has no choice but to act on it. Austin falls hard for Kat and is determined to claim her for his own. But first he must eliminate the threat from an abusive ex-husband who’s stalking her every move. A sensual paranormal romance that will have you believing in true love.





Chapter Fourteen

Kat stopped and dropped into a crouch. She couldn’t wait another minute to loosen the laces on these blasted boots. They were starting to pinch something awful after traipsing all over Wyoming and Montana for two days. And having the time of her life, she thought with a secret smile.

Why was it that every thought of Austin seemed to be accompanied by the not-so-subtle sensation of the earth shifting?

And then she heard it. A roar that sounded like…thunder? How could that be? There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

Kat realized suddenly that Austin was shouting her name. She could barely hear him over the odd roaring sound. She looked up to see him running toward her—and a second later she saw why.

A dozen of them, maybe more. Off to her left, careening down the hill, spilling out into the parking lot. Huge. Brown. Shaggy. Beasts. Beautiful, she thought, feeling oddly detached. They were coming straight at her.

Dear God. She was going to die.

She heard shouts…a few screams. They barely registered now. She was frozen, trapped, in a deadly tableau.

All the breath left her body as she was knocked from her feet, tackled like an unsuspecting quarterback in the final seconds of the game. Her teeth snapped together as she hit the ground. And then she was tumbling across the pavement, wrapped in a pair of strong arms, curled up against a rock-hard body that she recognized on a purely instinctual level.

And knew, somehow, that she was safe.

When Kat opened her eyes, it was to a sight she’d never thought to see. Austin’s deeply bronzed complexion was pale and drawn, as white as freshly fallen snow. His eyes were big and black and haunted in a way she would never have imagined possible. She lay sprawled across his chest, his arms clamped around her like bands of steel.

Are you—my God, Kat, are you all right?” Even his voice sounded different, scratchy and tight and sort of…wobbly.

Kat nodded, or thought she did, unsure if she was fully in control of her body or if her response was only muscle reflex.

A crowd was gathering, forming a tighter and tighter circle around them. “Hey!” A man’s face appeared in her line of vision. “You two okay? That was a close one.”

As Kat recovered her breath, she tried to push up from Austin’s chest. He was having none of it. Burying his lips in her hair, he made an odd choking sound that she didn’t have time to interpret before he rolled to his side and eased them into a sitting position.

Another crowd was milling about near the small herd of bison that had come perilously close to flattening her. The huge shaggy beasts were standing still now, twenty, maybe twenty-five feet away, snorting, pawing the ground, and eying the humans with disdain.

Austin’s arm stayed firmly clamped around her waist as he glanced up at the concerned faces hovering over them. “We’re all right,” he said. “Could everyone please stand back and give us some room.” He cupped the back of Kat’s head, searching her face, then the front of her body for any visible signs of injury. “Are you hurt?”

I..I don’t think so. What about you?” She fingered a patch of torn fabric that was sticking up on his shoulder. “Your shirt’s ripped. Are you okay?”

Before he could reply, a stern voice rang out over a bullhorn. “Get away from the bison. Stand back, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. You need to give those animals a wide berth. Sir! I’m not kidding! That bison can run thirty-five miles an hour. How fast can you run?”

Austin got to his feet, tugging Kat up with him. The ranger with the bullhorn strode over to them. “What’s going on here? You folks okay?” He was short and somewhat portly, with a full, reddish-brown beard covering most of his face.

We were caught by surprise when that bunch came barreling down off the hill over there,” Austin said.

The small herd of bison had wandered down near the far end of the parking lot, seemingly unperturbed by whatever had them in full stampede mode only moments before. There were only eight or nine of them, Kat realized now that the danger was past, though a single one of them could have stomped her into dust.

The ranger nodded and scratched his beard. “Something must have spooked them. It happens sometimes. I’m just glad no one was seriously hurt.” He turned his head and jerked the bullhorn up to his mouth. “I said stay back.” He made a shooing motion at a trio of teenaged boys who had wandered too close to the bison pack again.

Austin tightened his hold on Kat’s arm. “Let’s go.” His dark gaze swept over her again, making sure she was all right. She was achy and sore and pretty shaken up, but she was more concerned about him. He had taken the brunt of their fall and subsequent tumble, protecting her from the worst of it. She had no idea how much damage he’d sustained to his back and arms as they rolled across the pavement.

Austin had saved her life. It was a sobering thought. An amazing truth. One she didn’t take lightly. Once the reality of his heroic deed had a chance to sink in, how in the world was she going to deal with it?

My camera!” she cried. “I had the strap on my arm when I knelt down to loosen my boots. It must have gone flying when we tumbled across the pavement.”

Does this belong to you?” It was the same guy who had come up to them immediately after the incident, asking if they were all right.

Thank you so much,” she said, when he handed her the camera.

Appreciate it,” Austin said, slipping his arm around her and ushering her toward the walkway. They were almost back to the Land Rover when a pick-up truck with an official Yellowstone logo pulled up and stopped right next to them.

Well, well. What have we here?” The uniformed man inside the cab grinned at Austin through the window as he reached down and switched off the ignition. He pushed open the door and climbed out. “Everything okay?”

Even in her shaky condition Kat was struck by how much he and Austin looked alike. He was nearly as tall as Austin, with shoulders every bit as thick and wide. They had similar features, the same prominent cheekbones and ruddy complexion. Only the deep brown color of his eyes was different from the man standing next to her, keeping her clamped tightly to his side.

The ranger cuffed Austin on the back. “What’d you do, cuz? Tangle with a big ole’ brown bear up there on the trail?”


Austin’s only answer was a dark glower, which seemed to amuse the man even more. “Since you don’t appear to have sustained any real injuries,” the ranger said after observing him for a few more moments, “apart from a few rips in the back of your shirt, that is, aren’t you going to introduce me?”

Kat could have sworn she heard Austin growl. “Kat…this is my cousin, Dak.”

That explained a lot. “Nice to meet you,” she said. “Kat Ingersoll.” She would have offered him her hand, but Austin maintained a death grip on it.

Despite Austin’s glare, Dak brushed at some dried leaves and twigs clinging to the sleeve of her shirt. “Are you, okay?” His gaze met Austin’s again and he sobered a bit. “Seriously, you guys do look a little…scuffed up. This doesn’t have anything to do with that group of bison that wandered through here a short time ago does it? You know better than anyone, cuz, how important it is to steer clear of those critters.”

Which is why I don’t need a lecture from you. Something got into a small herd of them, and they made a mad dash down the hill. We just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Luckily, they petered out pretty fast once they hit the pavement, and no one was injured.”

Dak blew out a sigh. “Well, that’s good then. I’m glad no one got hurt.” His lips parted in another grin. “But hey, dude…I don’t think that shirt’s ever going to be the same.”

Kat figured Austin must have shot him a particularly nasty hand gesture behind her back because Cousin Dak was laughing pretty hard as he reached for the door handle. “You staying here in the park tonight?”

Up at the inn. Where I need to take Kat so she can get cleaned up and rest a bit. It’s been a long day.”

Dak nodded and tipped his ranger’s hat, another grin tugging at his lips. “Have a good night, you two.”

Austin muttered something blasphemous under his breath as they continued on to the Land Rover, which thankfully was close by. He unlocked the door and helped her into the passenger seat. To say that she was exhausted was an understatement of major proportions. Now that some time had passed since Austin had tackled her to the ground, she could feel her entire body starting to ache. A great deal of that could be attributed to her hours in the saddle, but still. She couldn’t imagine how Austin must be feeling after taking the brunt of their tumble across the asphalt, though she knew he would never admit it even if he was in howling pain.

After shutting her door, he walked to the back of the SUV and opened the tailgate. Kat watched him through the rearview mirror as he rifled through his bag and dug out another shirt, a navy blue tee he pulled on over his head after discarding his torn one. He slammed the tailgate shut and stood with his backside leaning against the bumper.

What was he thinking? Was he blaming himself for what happened? Taking the weight of the world on his shoulders the way he always seemed to do? He had this crazy macho-man notion that everything that went wrong was his fault. She really needed to disabuse him of that way of thinking.

Kat opened her door, biting back a groan as she climbed down out of her seat and walked to the back of the vehicle. “Austin? Are you sure you’re okay?”

His gaze snapped to hers, and she could see the tortured look in his eyes. The look he didn’t want her to see. “I’m fine, Kat. Get back in the car.”

He’d never used that acidic tone with her before, as if she was the one he was mad at. Her throat felt thick with unshed tears, yet she had the presence of mind to know that it was the stress of the last half hour, the adrenaline rush followed by the aftermath of…of jumbled feelings and emotions.

Kat got back in the car. She leaned her head against the headrest and closed her eyes, kept them closed as she heard Austin’s door open, felt the SUV dip slightly when he got in.

I’m sorry.”

I know.”

I didn’t mean to snap at you. What happened—almost happened—it wasn’t your fault.”

It wasn’t yours, either.” She opened her eyes and turned to him, pushing her face close to his. “And so help me, Austin, if you start trying to take some weird sort of blame for it, beating yourself up like you did when we got caught in the rain yesterday….”

He reached over, cupping her cheek so gently in his palm that she almost lost the battle with her tears. “What, little warrior? What are you going to do?”

I’ll—I’ll think of something, don’t you worry. Now can we please get to our room? I’m running on empty here, and you aren’t doing much better.”

Yes, ma’am.” He placed a tender kiss on her lips, then leaned forward and cranked up the engine. “A hot shower, a soft mattress, and dinner in bed…how does that sound? After the way our day ended, I think we damn well owe it to ourselves.”

Kat settled in for the drive, pulling the seatbelt down over her torso. “Sounds like heaven to me. Show me the way home.”

Austin shifted into reverse and was soon accelerating down the road with renewed enthusiasm. At the risk of putting a dent in his newly-improved mood, she treated him to what she hoped was her sassiest grin and said, “So…the hot park ranger with the dreamy brown eyes? Is he really your cousin?”

Other Books in the Eternal Moon Series:



Once in a Blue Moon


Eternal Moon Series, Book 1

Casey Montgomery’s lifelong addiction to “bad boys” has brought her nothing but heartache. Just as she swears off alpha males forever, a brief, torrid encounter with one of the hottest, Harley-riding, leather-jacketed hunks she’s ever seen leaves her reeling—and worse, jeopardizes her carefully laid plans to meet and fall in love with a nice, dependable nerd.

Jake Benedict has been around the block enough times to recognize his mate when he meets her, a gorgeous werewolf with a case of latent genes who doesn’t have a clue about her true identity. Jake is just the were to teach Casey about her ancient heritage and coax her feral side into revealing itself. While Casey can’t resist the intense physical attraction she feels for Jake, she’s determined to freeze him out emotionally.

Can Jake break through Casey’s defenses and prove to her once and for all that he’s one bad boy who’s playing for keeps?





Eternal Moon Series, Book 2

Reed Montgomery’s life is perfect. With a flourishing business, a condo by the sea, and a social calendar any red-blooded bachelor would envy, he can’t imagine anything that could make him happier—until Marin Sawyer walks into his office in search of investment advice. He’s immediately smitten with the dark-haired beauty, and determined to have her at any cost.

A serious relationship isn’t on Marin’s radar right now, but a fling with a handsome man like Reed might be the perfect way to let off a little steam. The charming and oh-so-sexy human is impossible to resist, but when Marin settles down with a permanent mate it will be with a werewolf, like herself. Her father, the powerful Alpha of their pack, has decreed it should be so and Marin is nothing if not the dutiful daughter.

But things get complicated when Reed starts playing for keeps. Suddenly he’s making plans for the future, plans that include Marin—until he discovers the devastating secret she’s been hiding. Can Reed overcome what he sees as the ultimate betrayal? Will he fight to keep the gorgeous werewolf for himself—or forfeit the only woman to ever succeed in capturing his heart?


About the Author

Vicki Crum writes contemporary and paranormal romance, creating tales full of love and laughter and discovering one’s soul mate in the most unlikely places. Her published works include Loving Luc, Once in a Blue Moon, Moonspell, and Blood Moon (Eternal Moon Series).

Vicki resides with her husband in a charming seaside community in Southern California. She has two grown daughters and two adorable grandchildren who light up her world.

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Paranormal Romance – When Darkness Falls, Book 2 – The Dark Lord by Allie McCormack

Paranormal Romance – When Darkness Falls, Book 2 – The Dark Lord by Allie McCormack


When Darkness Falls, Book 2


Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance, Vampire Romance

Release Date: June 17, 2021

Book 2 of a sweeping romantic saga in a medieval Arabian Nights type setting

Held captive in the Catacombs, Alyssa struggles with coming to terms with the loss of the life she had made for herself in the palace. She also has to learn how to deal with her strange magical powers that everyone but her seems to know she has. And she has to find a way to accept her new life with the ancient vampire who insists that she is his… but doesn’t seem to know what to do with her.

Lord Damien never thought to have a human woman in his life, and this one baffles him. He doesn’t understand his own need for her, but knows only that he must have her, at any cost. He had been prepared for anger and recriminations, but Alyssa surprises him with her determination to accept her new life, as well as her unexpected compassion and humor.

*Please Note, this is a trilogy! Books 1 & 2 have cliffhangers and are not meant to be read out of order.




Chapter 9 – The Craft Hall

Some distance from the city, Damien paused, holding up one hand. “We glamour,” he stated. “Until we reach the Craft Hall.”

Gabrielle and Kayja complied, a faint shimmering disturbing the early morning desert air as all three cast the small spell that would cloak them from untrained eyes. The sun wasn’t yet above the horizon, the days already shortening with the oncoming of fall. Damien focused his attention to the East, storm clouds gathering, building at his command, delaying the effects of the sun on himself and Gabrielle. Kayja, pure demon, was unaffected by the sun’s rising. Damien, with his demon father’s blood, could tolerate the sun until it was fully above the horizon, but Gabrielle would be susceptible to the sun’s influence much more quickly.

They reached the city, moving swiftly past through the lines of those waiting to enter through the huge gates. Passing unseen, the trio headed into the heart of the lower city, Damien leading them unhesitatingly toward the Craft Hall. He knew this city, every block, every stone. He had been here when it was a walled village. Had walked the construction at night as the city was built, the palace towering above all. There was no corner, no shadow, that he did not know.

Most of the shops and stalls were closed tight still, aside from a few stalls dispensing tea and thick bitter coffee, and flat bread with beans and fried balls of ground grain and herbs to early workers. The craftsmen, however, would already be up and working in their high-ceilinged hall deep within the city.

Indeed, the wide double doors of the Craft Hall were open, workers within milling about on various tasks. Standing just within the doors, Damien and his companions shimmered into sight of those nearby. There were startled gasps, then a wave of rippling murmurs, followed by silence, spread through the hall as craftsmen, journeymen and apprentices turned toward the great doors. The tension in the suddenly quiet hall was palpable. There was stirring, shifting of a group at one side of the room, and a man emerged, approaching the trio at the entrance. He was stockily built, with graying hair framing a lined face. Sharp, intelligent eyes held a wary defiance; not outright hostility, but Damien sensed little flashes of anger from the man, who wore a Master’s badge on one shoulder.

He knows your little human,” Kayja spoke on their private pathway. “I see her in his mind, his concern for her well-being.”

Damien gave a tiny, barely discernible inclination of his head, acknowledging her words.

The Craft Master came to a halt some few feet from them, bending at the waist in a slight bow.

My Lord Damien.”

Craft Master Ahmed.”

Damien suppressed his amusement as the man started in surprise. He was Lord over these lands. Of course he knew all those who rose to prominence. Craft Masters, even prominent journeymen who were rising swiftly in the ranks; he made it his business to know everything in this city.

The man made a swift recovery, schooling his face to express polite inquiry. “How may we help you, Lord?”

Again Damien sensed that flash of anger from the man, swiftly suppressed.

We have come for furnishings,” Damien told him, his gaze drifting about the spacious circular hall, sectioned into areas… tables, chairs, beds and divans, lounges, lamps, screens. He brought his eyes back to the Craft Master. “You are acquainted with the young Scribe from the palace?”

A swift startled murmur swept the room, starting with those in earshot who passed word to those nearby. Relief crept into Master Ahmed’s face, and some of the rigidity left his stance.

Alyssa? Indeed, I know her well. All of us do,” and he made a gesture with his right arm, indicating the room at large. “She… she is alive, Lord? She is well?”

A rush of impatience swept him. “Of course she is alive,” he retorted. “What did you think I was going to do, eat her?”

Absolute silence. His lips tightened in exasperation. Obviously, they had. Humans! His stern gaze swept them all, meeting their eyes, commanding their attention.

Do you truly believe,” and he raised his voice so that all in the hall could hear him. “That Zahira, your Sultana, would have permitted me to carry off one of her Court… indeed, any citizen of this city… without being assured that no harm would come to her? You do your Sultana a great disservice in this. Zahira would have gone to war, rather. She insisted upon, and received, my promise that no harm of any kind would come to the girl. She was prepared to risk outright war, had I not given her my word on this.”

The silence continued as the last echoes of his voice faded, then shifting and movement as the men and women returned to their various duties. Noises began to fill the hall…. sanding, pounding, hammering. Damien turned back to the Craft Master. The man was smiling, his relief almost palpable.

What is it you would wish to see, Lord?”

Kayja stepped forward at this point. Her tail was twitching, to the apparent bemusement of a nearby apprentice, a boy barely into his teens who’d apparently never seen a demon before, from his fascinated stare. “We need furnishings for Alyssa. A bed to start. A clothing press. Tables, chairs. These will be delivered to the Temple in the desert.”

Ahmed nodded thoughtfully, gesturing them to an area across the hall. “This way my Lord, Ladies,” he added a bit doubtfully, with a glance at Kayja’s red skin, her curved, pointed black horns and shiny black hooves.

This is excellent,” Kayja all but purred on their private pathway. “The human’s mind is already full of what he calls extras to include with the delivery, for Alyssa’s comfort. At no additional charge.”

I can see his thoughts for myself,” Damien reminded her in some exasperation. Kayja huffed, her horned head tossing irritably.

They stopped before a display room, set back off the main hall, filled with bedroom furnishings. There were massive, carved poster beds, and simpler lounges and chaises. Gabrielle stopped before one, a pretty, low bed with soft sheets and a light throw, topped with several pillows. She leaned down to poke experimentally at the mattress, testing its firmness.

What about this?”

No.” His refusal was instantaneous. Ahmed had moved off to point out to Kayja a monstrosity of a bed with heavy wooden posts carved with fantastic animals, sure to appeal to the demon. Maybe he should have brought Aleksei instead. He turned to Gabrielle, leaning close to murmur. “It’s very similar to her bed in her tower room, in the palace. I don’t want it to be a constant reminder to her.”

As he straightened, his eye was caught by a burst of colors across the way. He moved toward the bed that had caught his eye. It was a combination piece, clearly designed for multiple uses as lounge, bed or sofa. A carved wood base rested on wood legs that rose high to support a flat lattice work above, like a canopy. The mattress was low and large, covered in bright turquoise damask. Gracefully carved spindles rose from the base to a smoothly polished banister, framing the bed on three sides, a warm backdrop for an array of colorful cushions, embroidered and sequined, propped against the supporting spindles.

He was aware of his sister and Gabrielle joining him, Ahmed at a respectful distance.

Gabrielle pursed her lips thoughtfully. “It looks more suited to a patio perhaps, or a balcony, than to a cave.”

Kayja glanced her way. “He already has a stone crypt that’s perfectly suited to a cave. That’s why we’re here.”


It’s suited to Alyssa,” Damien stated, his tone brooking no argument. “That’s what is important.”

Indeed, my Lord, I think she would love this,” Ahmed concurred. “It would certainly brighten a… a cave,” he glanced at Kayja standing beside him. “If that is your purpose, this would do well. And Alyssa loves the jewel tones. Always, the jewel tones are what draws her. There is a chest for clothing that would go well with this. The workmen could put together a grouping to match, it would take perhaps a day or two, no more. Floor cushions, a chaise lounge. A mirror set into a mashrabiyya frame.” He warmed to his theme. “We could create an inlaid table using the same wood, the spindles, and inlay the top with hues to pick up the colors from the cushions.”

Damien nodded decisively. “Bring this bed and the chest, and whatever else you have made now, to the Temple by mid-day. Then the rest as it is completed.”

Ahmed bowed low, far different from the stiff, polite gesture he’d offered when they had first arrived. The man exuded good will.

It shall be done, Lord.” He paused. “If you would send some of your human servants to the city, Lord, the bed will need to be disassembled to transport. We will show them how to put it back together again.”

Leaving the Craft Hall, they again assumed a glamour. Gabrielle hurried for the distant Catacombs, using the preternatural speed of the vampire to outrun the rays of the sun, rising swiftly now above the mountains to the east. Damien, his demon blood making him less susceptible, took longer in following, strolling leisurely through the streets with Kayja as they made their way to the great gates of the city and then taking flight for the longer distance to the mountains.

Entering the Catacombs, Damien made his way to the Great Hall, ringing the bell that summoned the khadam and the other human servants not immediately in service to the vampire they looked to as Liege.

His indifferent gaze scanned the humans gathered before him. “A number of pieces of furnishings are being delivered to the Temple later this morning. At least two males are needed for the heavier pieces. Also I need one of you to visit the Woodworkers Craft Hall in the city for instruction in assembling the parts.”

Instantly two men stepped forward, and several women. One, a bubbly, rounded redhead, jiggled in place, seemingly excited.

Is it for Alyssa?” she asked, apparently flushed with excitement. “Is it a surprise?”

He turned his full gaze on her, little red lights flickering in his eyes. Fangs extending, he snarled at her. She gulped, visibly paling, and the humans closest to him fell back a step, watching him warily.

Not deigning to answer the woman, he turned on his heel, stalking away to his private chambers, where Alyssa still lay deeply asleep, faint smudges beneath her eyes. The sleep of exhaustion. He stood looking down on her. Yesterday had been difficult for her. He must remember she was mortal, and young. He reached down to stroke her hair, his fingers slipping through the short, silky strands.

A surprise. The idiot woman’s words came back to him. As if. He was no fairytale prince. And yet… an image arose in his mind’s eye. Alyssa’s eyes alight, her gasp of delight, her radiant smile as she saw the furnishings.

He straightened, turning away, dismissing the notion with a flick of his hands. He was vampire. Demon. An ancient. He had no place in his world for such human nonsense. And yet the image could not quite be dispelled, lingering in the back of his mind.


Other Books in the When Darkness Falls Trilogy



When Darkness Falls Book I: The Palace

Released: June 3, 2021

When Darkness Falls Book III: The Prophecy

Release Date: July 1, 2021


About the Author

A former career medical transcriptionist and disabled Veteran, Allie McCormack is now writing from home full-time. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., and also a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital there, plus a short stint with NATO while she was in the Army. Allie now lives in the beautiful southern California with her family and her two rescue cats.

Allie says: “A writer is who and what I am… a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of story lines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination, and it is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories.”

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