YA fantasy – Beyond Relatively Normal

YA fantasy

Date Published: January 21, 2020

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Jack Galloway has had enough of life and is chasing a high he just can’t
seem to find. Upon meeting with a drug dealer from his school, he is given
some mysterious, bean-shaped pills that just so happen to be nothing but
beans. However, Relatively Normal beans do not grow miles and miles into the
sky overnight, drawing attention from everyone around and destroying the
very idea of reality on Earth.

Now, in order to restore his Relatively Normal world, Jack must embark on a
mission with a girl he barely knows from high school, Red Crawford, who just
so happens to be the only one he knows who has encountered a tear in the
non-magical reality they live in.

The beanstalk, too tall and too wide to climb, leads them down a rabbit
hole to the strange and nonsensical Underland, where they must go through
insane trials in order to reach the answer to their problems — the Giants,
magical creatures who live in Overland and can rid the Relatively Normal
world of that pesky beanstalk. However, the beanstalk and its effects on
reality might just be the least of their worries when they reach the dark,
mysterious Overland.



Jack sighed. “Listen. It wasn’t a coincidence that yesterday, I
decided to try some harder drugs. It wasn’t a coincidence that Shy
gave me those beans. It wasn’t a coincidence that you were the one to
find me after I passed out. It wasn’t a coincidence that we’ve
been experiencing all of this together. I know we don’t even know each
other that well, but for some weird reason, I feel like we’re in this
together. If we want to fix this, it can’t just be me. It can’t
just be you. It has to be both of us. We’re the reason the portal is
opening, and we’re the ones that have to close it.”

About the Author

Mikaela Miller has not exactly found her place in the world yet, and she’s
still trying to understand herself, so there’s not much to say. She loves
writing, memes, her friends, and her fur children. She is currently living
the small town life but has high hopes of moving to a big city to live out
her dreams one day. She loves the darker side of all fairytales and has
recently discovered a love for horror novels. This book idea came to her in
a dream, as many of her strange ideas do, and she hopes for a bright future
as she delves further into her characters’ lives. One day, she would like to
be able to rescue lots of homeless animals and be the crazy old cat lady
down the street.


Contact Links


Twitter: @mikaelamauthor

Goodreads: mikaelamauthor

Instagram: @mikaelamauthor

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