YA Fantasy – Songlines

“We belong to the earth, Lainie-Bug. We were sent here in human form for a reason. If you don’t know what to do, then just be human.”

Right. Like that was ever a simple thing to do.

Simple would be finishing high school without that desolate music trickling through the cracks in my dreams, making me too tired to study.

Simple would be telling Noah his girlfriend smells like last week’s dim sims without second-guessing my own reasons for not liking her.

Simple would be keeping the mining company from trespassing on our sheep farm.

Perhaps for a human, those things would be simple. No wonder I could never quite get the hang of it. Then again, a simple life would have never let me feel the flames of the sacred spinning sword, or breathe the fragrance of the Garden, or sink my teeth into the Living Fruit from the Tree of Life…

Reader Reviews

“An interesting combination of environmental concerns, teenage drama (in the best way), theology and fantasy adventure” – Aurealis Magazine

“This blend of Australian heart and spiritual soul easily captures a reader’s interest” – Just Write For Kids

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About the Author:

Carolyn Denman lives on a farm on the outskirts of Melbourne. She has a science degree, far too many pets and a fear of the ocean that makes her Mauritian mother roll her eyes. She enjoys writing spec-fiction novels, playing games with her horse and frightening hairdressers with the concept of the forthcoming Singularity. As well as writing stories for Aurealis and Andromeda Spaceways magazines, Carolyn is also the author of the YA Australian fantasy series The Sentinels of Eden.

Songlines, Sanguine and Sympath are available now through Odyssey Books and all the usual online bookstores. The final book in the series, Shamar, is due for release in June 2019.


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