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Paranormal Thriller – Key to Eternity

Paranormal Thriller – Key to Eternity


Paranormal Thriller


Date Published: March 2020

Publisher: Archway Publishing


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Female psychic detective, Epiphany Mayall is on the track of stolen antiquities and a clay tablets relating the Epic of Gilgamesh. Through a combination of her psychic abilities and the technological resources of PI Maro Gaido and the FBI’s art crimes division, they zero in on the mysterious conspirators who people the shady global underworld of the arts and antiquities black market. Can they find the Gilgamesh tablet with its map to the “flower of immortality,” or will the treasure disappear forever into the private vault of a billionaire art thief?



Chapter 1

The Spiritualist Camp

Watoolahatchee, Florida

Nana, Nana! Come quick.”

Epiphany Mayall got to her feet and hurried across the dining room. “What is it, Maddie?”

Look, Nana. Endora’s acting really funny.”

Epiphany leaned forward and peered out the window. Endora, her black and white cat, was crouched in the grass, completely focused on something. The cat suddenly flinched and jumped sideways, then resumed its position as though preparing to pounce.

She’s stalking something,” Epiphany said, “But I can’t see what it is.” Even as she spoke, the cat once again sprang sideways and dropped to the ground.

What do you think it is, Nana?”

A bird maybe, or a frog. Goodness knows what she’s got cornered.”

Epiphany unlocked the window and lifted the bottom pane. She pressed her face against the screen and looked down. A slow wave of movement caught her eye. “Oh,” she said, stepping back, “it’s a snake!”

A snake,” Maddie cried with delight. “Where?”

Right below the window. Along the foundation. It’s hard to see because of the leaves.”

I see it!” Maddie looked up at her grandmother. “What kind is it?”

I don’t know, dear.” Epiphany turned away from the window. “Michael,” she called. “Michael, can you come here?”

The measured sound of Bach’s “Prelude from the First Cello Suite” halted abruptly and Epiphany’s son Michael appeared in the dining room arch. A brown-haired man with a round face and a neatly trimmed beard, he was already growing a bit stout in early middle age. “What is it, Mom?”

Sorry to interrupt your practice, but Endora appears to have cornered a rather large snake, and I don’t know if it’s poisonous or not.”

Michael crossed the room to stand beside his mother and daughter. “Where is it?”

Down there,” Maddie answered, pointing.

Michael braced his hands on the sill and looked. “I see it. Looks like a brown rat snake. They’re harmless.” He grinned at his mother. “Unless you’re a rat.”

Maddie wriggled under her father’s arm and peered out. “What’s it doing, Papa? Why is it turning upside down?”

It’s, uh. . . Wow! It’s shedding its skin. Look at that!”

Awesome!” Maddie cried.

Michael turned to Epiphany. “Take a look, Mom.”

I’d really rather not.”

Can we go outside, Papa, and get up close?”

Sure. But we don’t want to get too close. Snakes get a little edgy when they’re shedding. But we should grab Endora.”

Maddie looked up. “Why, Papa?”

Snakes are really vulnerable when they’re shedding. They need some peace and quiet.”

What’s all the fuss in here?” A small woman pushing a walker came through the dining room arch, wisps of white hair radiating around her face.

It’s a snake, Great-Gram,” Maddie said.

Where?” Susan said in alarm. “In here?”

No, outside. Under the window. Endora found it,” said Maddie.

Good for her,” Susan said. “Florida,” she muttered. “First alligators in the yard and now snakes. Sometimes I wish I was back in Ohio.”

It’s a harmless little rat snake, Gram,” said Michael. “Come on, Maddie. Let’s go watch it shed.”

Watch it what?” Susan asked as father and daughter hurried past her.

It’s shedding its skin,” said Epiphany. “Something snakes do now and then,”

That sounds perfectly dreadful,” Susan exclaimed.

Mom,” Epiphany objected, “we had snakes in Ohio. Remember the time I brought that garter snake into the parlor when Reverend Ashby was visiting?”

I remember telling you to get that evil serpent out of our house.”

Serpents aren’t evil. They do a lot of good.”

Such as?”

They eat vermin.”

Fine. I just want them to stay in the garden where they belong.” Susan steered her walker toward the hall. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you want me,” she said over her shoulder.

Epiphany stood for a moment, considering. Then she headed for the kitchen door.

Michael and Maddie were standing next to the house gazing down in rapt fascination. Maddie had Endora in her arms, but the cat was struggling to get free.

Here,” Epiphany said, reaching for the cat, “I’ll hold her.”

Take a look, Mom,” Michael said. “It’s rubbed the skin loose from its nose. That’s the first step.” Michael put his hand on his daughter’s should. “Let’s stay back and bit and give it some room.”

They all took a few steps back from the struggling snake, then watched as the process continued.

Look,” Maddie cried, pointing. “It’s crawling out of itself!”

Epiphany watched in amazement as the snake writhed and pushed, rubbing its nose against the twigs, then oozing away from its own skin like a lady peeling off a nylon stocking. The empty sack of paper-thin scales lay still as the snake inched forward bit by bit until it left its former self behind. Its new skin shone, bright and smooth, in the late morning sun. It rested for a few moments, then curved its way along the base of the foundation, pausing now and then to sample the air with its tongue. Then it flowed around the corner and disappeared into the grass.

Now that,” said Michael, “was a great performance.”

Worthy of a master,” Epiphany agreed.

Look, Papa. It’s a perfect empty snake.” Maddie was holding up the discarded skin.

Epiphany set Endora down and joined Michael for a closer look. “My goodness,” she exclaimed. “You can even see its eyes.” The delicate ribbon of skin was like a phantom serpent¾nearly weightless and paper thin but decorated with a herringbone pattern of tan and brown. The head was perfectly formed¾mouth open, clear bubbles where the eyes had been. It looked as though it might at any moment re-animate itself.

Can I keep it?” Maddie asked, the snakeskin dangling from her hands.

Fine with me,” said Michael.

Just don’t show it to Gram,” advised Epiphany.


It wasn’t until that evening that Epiphany thought again about the snake. She was sitting on the screened porch listening to the chirp and buzz of frogs and cicadas. In the distance, a limpkin gave a shriek and a pair of Barred Owls erupted into a riotous duet of hoots, cackles and gurgles. The early summer air was heavy with moisture blowing in off the nearby Atlantic. Lightning flickered toward the east, too far away for the thunder to be heard.

Epiphany drifted with the gentle breath of the wind, watching the Spanish moss swaying like silver veils from the branches of the oak trees.

But her peaceful reverie was suddenly interrupted with a mental image so clear and so immediate that she bolted upright and stared out at the dark canvas of the yard. The image blazed in her mind’s eye¾a naked man sprawled on the ground surrounded by two snakes. The man was so emaciated she could see his ribs quite clearly. His hair was carefully fashioned into small curls, almost as though he was wearing a wig, and his beard was also formally dressed. In his left hand, the man was grasping a leafy plant. But one of the snakes had also grabbed the plant in its mouth and appeared to be trying to take it from the man’s clenched fingers. She then realized with a little jolt that the second snake was the empty skin of the first.

She tried to determine what the image was made of¾clay, perhaps, or maybe carved, the lines enhanced with a dark pigment. It looked ancient, but undamaged. Like a piece from a museum. She dredged her memory for something similar. Egyptian, maybe. But no, not Egyptian.

Mesopotamian! That was it. She remembered seeing a similar image when she took a course on the art of the ancient Near East. This was an image of the legendary King Gilgamesh who left his home to search for the secret of immortality.

Instructed by a wise man, Gilgamesh locates a magical plant that renews youth. But during his journey home, he falls asleep. A serpent steals the plant, eats it and promptly sheds its skin. Thus, the serpent thwarts man’s hope for immortality, keeping for itself the ability to renew itself and re-emerge in all its youthful radiance.

When she finally went inside to go to bed, Epiphany couldn’t stop thinking about the possible connection between witnessing an actual snake shedding its skin and the evening’s vision of the Mesopotamian carving. Had watching the snake simply jogged her memory, or was there some deeper meaning? What message was Spirit sending?

You’d think that after thirty years in this business, I’d be able to figure out where a damned vision came from,” she said aloud. But it just wasn’t that easy, was it?

Psychic visions had been a part of Epiphany’s life since childhood¾images, voices, visitations, phantoms materializing out of thin air. Sometimes she just wanted it all to go away¾for the voices to fall silent, the images fade to black. To stop being a conduit between the living and the dead. She remembered saying to a reporter in a TV interview that sometimes her “gift” was more like a curse. But there was no escaping destiny.

Get over it,” she told herself. She would just have to wait for Spirit to send her the next clue.

About the Author


Award-winning author Mallory M. O’Connor is a writer, art historian, musician, and professor emerita at Santa Fe College (SFC) where she taught art history and served as director of the Santa Fe Art Gallery. Since retiring from her position at SFC, Mallory has written five novels, the American River Trilogy. Book One, American River: Tributaries, was published in 2017 and recently won First Prize in the Fiction Category from Northern California Publishers and Authors. The book also won the President’s Award for Fiction from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association. Book One of her new paranormal/eco-thriller series, Epiphany’s Gift, was released in April 2019. Key to Eternity is Book Two in the new series.

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Holiday Romance – Christmas Dreams

Holiday Romance – Christmas Dreams


Soul Sisters at Cedar Mountain Lodge, Book 5


Holiday Romance, Small Town Romance, Romance

Release Date: October 22, 2020

Publisher: Winding Path Books


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Random circumstances brought them together. Love made them family.

Chef Stevie Fox isn’t just looking forward to a luxurious holiday celebrating her sister’s Christmas wedding, she needs it. A difficult year has her brain bursting and her heart starving. A menu of late-night chats, lots of laughter, and tons of pampering with her beloved foster sisters and Maddie, the woman who made them a family fifteen years ago, promises the nourishment she craves.

But then her sister’s fiancé calls off the wedding, and Stevie’s dreams of a restorative vacation and a love story that actually works out go up in smoke. Heartbroken and simmering with anger on her sister’s behalf, Stevie agrees with her family to stick to their holiday plans to show support.

Throwing oil on her fiery emotions, Stevie runs into her old high school flame and long-cooled feelings boil over. She’s determined to put a lid on them, however. Jackson Bassett may be full of zest and passion, but she’s been scalded too many times.

If you’re a fan of small towns, heartwarming holiday romance stories, second chances, and furry dog friends, you’ll fall in love with Stevie and her soul sisters in CHRISTMAS DREAMS, Book 5 of Soul Sisters at Cedar Mountain Lodge, from USA Today bestselling author Ev Bishop.




Don’t miss a Soul Sisters book – download them all today!

Book 1: Christmas Sisters – perma-FREE prologue book

Book 2: Christmas Kisses by Judith Keim

Book 3: Christmas Wishes by Tammy L. Grace

Book 4: Christmas Hope by Violet Howe

Book 5: Christmas Dreams by Ev Bishop

Book 6: Christmas Rings by Tess Thompson

About the Author


Ev Bishop is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling author, best known for her small-town contemporary romance series, River’s Sigh B & B. Readers describe her books as “full of humor, love and wisdom,” set in places “where breathtaking scenery and the magic of love are the best medicine for the soul.”


When Ev’s nose isn’t in a book or her fingers aren’t on her keyboard, you’ll find her with her family and dogs or playing outside, usually at the lake or in an overgrown garden somewhere.

She loves any and all garden related talk and work, cooking (and eating!), and making all sorts of random things – especially out of upcycled or reclaimed items.

She hopes you love Stevie Fox in CHRISTMAS DREAMS as much as she does and that you’ll catch up with her, Maddie, and the other three soul sisters, in the rest of the Soul Sisters at Cedar Mountain Lodge series.

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Contemporary Romance – Finding You

Contemporary Romance – Finding You


Drake Isle, Book 2


Contemporary Romance

Date Published: October 21, 2020

Publisher: DFM Publishing


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When Piper Townsend fell to her death twelve years ago, she took Trey’s secrets with her. He’s never trusted another woman. Until now.

Lillian arrived on Drake Isle twenty years ago pregnant, broke and alone. Since then she’s raised twins and opened a renowned beauty salon. Fiercely independent, she has no interest in settling down. Then she meets Trey.

Trey lives a jet-set lifestyle on the mainland, a billionaire who’s hidden a shockingly abusive childhood from the world. His best friend, the only woman who knew his secrets, died in a tragic accident twelve years earlier. Since then he’s mastered the art of carefree living, with little emotion and no commitment.

Their attraction is instant. Their desire is powerful. But when Trey’s former life catches up with him, it threatens to destroy everything they’ve built together. Can two people from different worlds find love on Drake Isle, or will past secrets tear them apart for good?

If you like small town island romance, second chances, and a hint of mystery, then you’ll love Book Two in the emotional Drake Isle series.

Other Books in the Drake Isle Romance Series:


Because of You

Drake Isle, Book 1

Publisher: DFM Publishing

Published: October 2019

Ten years ago, Piper Townsend fell to her death from the top of a fraternity house, and no one on Drake Isle has ever been the same. Blake Carter’s fraternity was scandalized. Misterion College closed down altogether. And Blake’s girlfriend, Emerson Doyle, fled the island after her best friend died and never looked behind her.

Now they’re back.

Blake’s the CEO of a multi-million dollar tech firm looking to relocate to the island. Emerson owns a yoga studio in the building he wants to buy. They haven’t spoken in ten years. They’re on opposite sides of the bargaining table.

But old flames die hard.

And the more Blake and Emerson fight both the past and each other, the more they realize that coming to terms with tragedy is their only chance of finding love again…



About the Author

Allie Boniface is the USA Today best-selling author of over a dozen novels, including the Cocktail Cruise, Hometown Heroes, and Whispering Pines Point series. Her books are set in small towns and feature emotional, sensual romance with relatable characters you’ll fall in love with.

Allie currently lives in a small town in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York with her husband and their two furry felines. When she isn’t teaching high school and community college English, she likes to travel, lose herself in great music, or go for a run and think about her next story. Take some time to browse around Allie’s website, check out new and upcoming releases, and sign up for her newsletter. You’ll get all the news about releases before everyone else, along with free stories available ONLY to subscribers.

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Regency Romance – A Duke for Miss Townsbridge

Regency Romance – A Duke for Miss Townsbridge


The Townsbridges, Book 4


Historical Regency Romance

Release Date: October 20, 2020


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She threatens to conquer his heart…

When Matthew Donovan, Duke of Brunswick, proposes to Sarah Townsbridge,
she’s shocked. After all, she’s never met him before. One
thing is clear though – he obviously needs help. So after turning
him down, she decides to get to know him better, and finds out she’s
right. But fixing a broken man is not the same as adopting a puppy. Least
of all when the man in question has no desire to be saved.

Matthew has his mind set on Sarah. Kind and energetic, she’ll make
an excellent mother. Best of all, her reclusiveness is sure to make her
accept the sort of marriage he has in mind – one where they live
apart. The only problem is, to convince her, they must spend time
together. And the more they do, the more he risks falling prey to the one
emotion he knows he must avoid at all cost: love.







Other Books in The Townsbridges Historical Romance Series:





When Love Leads To Scandal

The Townsbridges, Book 1

Release Date: February 2019



Two people fated to be together…

Recently engaged to the Earl of Langdon, Lady Bethany is content with the
knowledge that she’s made a wonderful match for herself. Until a
chance encounter with a handsome stranger makes her wish she was still
unattached – a sentiment that grows even stronger when circumstance
causes her to spend more time in this gentleman’s company.

And the duty that threatens to come between them…

Charles Townsbridge is not prepared to learn that the mystery woman he
met in the park, the very same woman he cannot get out of his head, is in
fact his best friend’s fiancée. Determined to do the right
thing, he tasks himself with quashing the attraction, only to discover
that the heart cannot be so easily controlled.






Lady Abigail’s Perfect Match

The Townsbridges, Book 2

Release Date: October 2019


A kiss can cure any ailment…

Lady Abigail has been infatuated with Mr. James Townsbridge for three
years. But when she is finally introduced to him, she finds him arrogant
and rude. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop her heart from racing or
her stomach from flip-flopping while in his presence. In fact, being near
him makes her feel somewhat ill. Which complicates matters when they are
suddenly forced to marry.

James doesn’t like the aloof young lady to whom he has recently
been introduced. And since he has a blistering headache, he doesn’t
have the patience for someone who clearly doesn’t want to be in his
company. But when she lands in his lap and he accidentally rips her gown,
his duty is clear. Now James must try to get along with his awful
fiancée, or risk living unhappily ever after. But is that






Falling for Mr. Townsbridge

The Townsbridges, Book 3

Release Date: July 21, 2020


He knows he ought to forget her…

When William Townsbridge returns from Portugal and meets Eloise Lamont,
the new cook his mother has hired, he’s instantly smitten. The only
problem of course is that she’s a servant – completely off
limits for a gentleman with an ounce of honor. But as they become better
acquainted, William starts to realize he must make Eloise his. The only
question is how.

Eloise loves her new position. But William Townsbridge’s arrival
threatens everything, from her principles to her very heart. Falling for
her employer’s son would be monumentally stupid. All it can lead to
is ruin, not only for the present, but for her entire future. So then the
simplest solution would be to walk away. But can she?





About The Author




Born in Denmark, USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie arnes spent her
youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world.
She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents,
and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish, and Romanian. But, most
impressive of all, she’s been married to the same man three times—in
three different countries and in three different dresses.


When she’s not busy dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys
spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching
romantic comedies and, of course, reading.


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Women’s Fiction – The Perfect Revenge

Women’s Fiction – The Perfect Revenge

Women’s Fiction

Date Published: 10/20/2020

Publisher: Final Word Press


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Power. Lust. Betrayal. Murder. Blamed for the deaths of both her parents,
Zoey Tirado is raised under the cruel control of her wealthy Uncle
Max—an obsessive narcissist whose vicious deeds scar Zoey’s
future forever. Zoey manages to escape, but feeling powerless and alone,
lets her life spiral out of control. Finally ready for help, Zoey is taken
under the wing of a champion female fighter who guides her on a journey of
transformation and empowerment by helping her strengthen both her body and
her mind. Rising above her past, Zoey focuses on her ultimate goal: exacting
the perfect revenge.

This first installment of The Perfect Revenge series sets the stage for a
sexy and thrilling saga, packed with romance, espionage, street justice, and
more. In The Dragonfly Rises, Zoey’s emotion-filled metamorphosis from
a guilt-ridden child into an inspirational success is a page-turner every
woman can relate to.


About the Author

WilD is a storyteller and longtime philanthropist who’s dedicated
generous amounts of time and money to organizations that aid women with
troubled pasts. The drastic transformations he’s witnessed have proven
to him what is possible when people are given the right support system.
Today, he’s an ardent champion of female empowerment, driven to create
a lasting legacy by furthering the cause even more.

However, WilD realized early on he was not the ideal “face” of
the women’s movement. And so, with the goal of keeping the attention on Zoey
and her message, WilD has chosen to remain anonymous. But the impetus for
his commitment to this project need not be a mystery.

Like Zoey, WilD overcame heartbreaking adversity; in fact, many story
scenes are based directly on his and his mother’s distressing
experiences. But after being told he would never amount to anything, he
became the first in his family to attend college, went on to earn a graduate
degree, and most importantly, found personal fulfillment.

Crafting Zoey’s story is WilD’s first step toward inspiring
women to reach their highest goals, even when faced with the steepest odds.
He hopes that exposing the plight of girls like Zoey will help more women
find their own voices and will encourage others to join the mission.


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Contemporary Romance –

Contemporary Romance –


Book 1 of California Hearts

Contemporary Romance

Date Published: October  19, 2020

Publisher: The Wild Rose


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Strong-willed Elaine Hart is determined to save Hartland Orchards, her family’s’ California orange groves from being taken over by the bank. After the recent ending of a turbulent relationship, she vows to keep her professional and personal life separate, even though she’s attracted to David Cole, the one man who holds her family’s fate in the palm of his hands.

Serious-minded banker, David Cole, recovering from recent love and work fiascos has one goal and that’s ensuring that the delinquent Hartland Ranch account is brought up to date and not becoming personally involved with the unpredictable and beautiful Elaine Cole.

When a series of circumstances brings Elaine and David together, they must decide if they will continue to suppress their emotions or succumb to passion and take a chance on a forever love.

About the Author


I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing and grew up surrounded by a wide variety of books, from westerns to romance novels. I love stories—watching them, listening to them, reading them, and writing them. My contemporary novels include complex and diverse characters that grapple with family legacy, love, loss, and laughter as they face the challenges of life. When I’m not working on my next manuscript, you can find me bike riding along the beach with my husband or exploring the mysteries of the universe with my daughter.


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Twitter: @dalia_dupris

Instagram:Dalia Writes

Pinterest: Dalia Dupris

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Crime Mystery – Cover Reveal – Sniper!

Crime Mystery – Cover Reveal – Sniper!

A Natalie McMasters Mystery, Book 5

Crime Fiction

Date Published: November 16, 2020

Publisher: Tekrighter, LLC

A crazed sniper. A loved one wounded, in danger of death. The unforgiving
Fake News media. And a hidden villain more loathsome than any that Natalie
McMasters has encountered before.

Nattie’s in the crosshairs as a series of seemingly random
shootings terrorizes the city. She must fight to keep her polyamorous
family from disintegrating, her emotions from running wild and her
personal integrity uncompromised. This would be a formidable task for
anyone, much less a twentysomething college student who just wants to
graduate and get on with her life. Nattie must rely on old friends and
new, but how can she even, when friends can become enemies in the blink of
an eye? As Nattie nears an emotional meltdown, society collapses along
with her, as the sniper’s depredations take their toll on the

Sniper! is a twisted, sexy, absolutely gripping descent into darkness jam
packed with nail-biting suspense. Don’t miss it!

About The Author

Thomas A. Burns, Jr. is the author of the Natalie McMasters Mysteries. He
was born and grew up in New Jersey, attended Xavier High School in
Manhattan, earned B.S degrees in Zoology and Microbiology at Michigan
State University and a M.S. in Microbiology at North Carolina State
University. He currently resides in Wendell, North Carolina. As a kid, Tom
started reading mysteries with the Hardy Boys, Ken Holt and Rick Brant,
and graduated to the classic stories by authors such as A. Conan Doyle,
Dorothy Sayers, John Dickson Carr, Erle Stanley Gardner and Rex Stout, to
name just a few. Tom has written fiction as a hobby all of his life,
starting with Man from U.N.C.L.E. stories in marble-backed copybooks in
grade school. He built a career as technical, science and medical writer
and editor for nearly thirty years in industry and government. Now that
he’s a full-time novelist, he’s excited to publish his own mystery series,
as well as to contribute stories about his second most favorite detective,
Sherlock Holmes, to the MX anthology of New Sherlock Holmes Stories.

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