Burning Roses: A Web Of Deceit

Burning Roses: A Web Of Deceit
Genres: Drama, Thriller

Step into the opulent world of Burning Roses, where beneath the veneer of high society lies a labyrinth of secrets waiting to be unraveled.

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About the Book

In the elegant world of high society, where appearances are paramount and secrets simmer beneath polished exteriors, the tale of Michael and Ruth unfolds with all the intensity of a thrilling mystery. Set against the backdrop of glamour and intrigue, “Burning Roses” is a gripping exploration of love, trust, and the corridors of greed. Six months after meeting at an extravagant art gala, the once-charmed marriage of Michael and Ruth teeters on the precipice of uncertainty. Drawn together by circumstance and the allure of an enchanting evening, their relationship was built on the foundations of romance and promise. But as time unfurls its mysteries, shadows gather, casting doubt upon the very fabric of their connection.

Ruth, a woman of perceptive intellect and an artist’s soul, finds herself ensnared in a web of suspicion. What was once a love story that seemed destined for the pages of a fairy tale has taken an unexpected turn. She harbors fears of Michael’s involvement in criminal activity, an insidious secret that seems to poison the very air they breathe. While Michael, a lover of money and a master of deception. He’s a well known lawyer, praised by some and feared by many but without doubt, he holds the key in this exploration of their life together. He’s a man of many suits but which one does he wear best?

The echoes of deceit resonate within the corridors of Ruth’s mind, each passing day heightening her sense of unease. She seeks solace in the one person she should be able to trust without question—her mother. But as confidences are exchanged, and the bond between mother and daughter deepens, Ruth must confront the uncomfortable truth that even the most intimate connections can harbor their own hidden agendas.The portrait of her marriage, once adorned with vibrant colors, now takes on the hues of discord. Ruth grapples with the unraveling threads of her sanity, the very foundation of her reality beginning to crumble. Her medication, once a lifeline, becomes a source of doubt. Is she truly losing her mind, or is there a more sinister hand at play, tampering with her perception of the world around her?

As the story weaves through intricate twists and turns, readers are invited to join Ruth on her journey of discovery. The question lingers like a haunting melody—Is she ensnared in a web of paranoia, or is the reality she knew a tapestry of betrayal woven by those closest to her? With each page turned, “Burning Roses” immerses readers in a tale of passion and deceit, exploring the boundaries of trust, love, and the human capacity for deception.