Urban Fantasy – Caroline’s Internship

Urban Fantasy – Caroline’s Internship
Genres: $.99 ebook, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy

Caroline knew her new internship would be tough...she just didn't think
she would be tossed out into a stormy case without an umbrella.

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About the Book

Urban Fantasy
Caroline’s Internship
By Katherine Kim
Was $3.99
For a Limited Time Only $.99

Caroline Peters, recent high school graduate and brand-new summer intern at the Federal Paranormal Activities Agency hopes she can handle it. Investigating a stolen magical artifact is well outside her experience, but at least she’s sent with two experienced agents: her vampire friend Darien Webb and the cheerful shifter Greg Barnett. When they get to the scene, they’re beset by local politics, arrogant curators, and bad weather.

When the two agents are attacked by a werewolf, they realize that the missing artifact may be the least of their concerns. The bad weather is just the beginning, and Caroline has to wonder if she’s really cut out to be a mere human policing the world of mages and monsters.