Historical Mystery – D for Daisy

D for Daisy
The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 1
By Nick Aaron
Publisher: Another Imprint Publishers
ISBN: 978-1973276432
Genre: Murder Mystery, Historical Mystery

Free ebook – April 15-30

During World War II a Lancaster landed at its base in England after bombing Berlin, and a member of the crew was carried off dead. His young wife Daisy soon found out that he had been murdered. But she was only a woman, blonde and pretty, and blind since birth: so who was going to listen to her? In the mayhem of the bombing campaign, who even cared? She would have to find the murderer on her own.

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About the Author:

Hi, I’m Nick Aaron and I’m Dutch.

First, I’m lucky that I happen to be a professional proof-reader. Great care given to a correct text is something book-lovers find very important.

I was born in South Africa, where I went to a British-style boarding school. Later my family and I moved to Lausanne (Switzerland), and I continued my education in French. When I was twelve, I remember that I wrote some poetry, four poems about the seasons, admittedly a rather banal subject, except I’d recently moved from the tropics and the concept of four seasons was completely new to me. Not to mention the French language. Anyway, my teacher was so impressed he asked me to recite one of my poems in front of the whole class. After this first literary triumph, the writing bug never left me.

Recently, after writing in Dutch and French for many years, I’ve gone back to the language of my South African childhood. Obviously the potential for a global readership was something of an incentive, and the idea of a blind sleuth was pretty exciting. Talk about a brainwave! The character of Daisy Hayes came to life in my mind almost wholly formed. The rest is history. Or just read the stories…

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