Psychological Thriller – Passionate Oversights

Passionate Oversights – A True Crime Story” is about a man’s involvement with a girl he meets on Craig’s List.

It is only after he travels out of state and moves in with her, that he finds out about her dark secret. She is a Black Widow woman in disguise.

Suffering at the hands of a sadistic lover is only the beginning. He is arrested for a heinous crime, even though he is innocent. Physical and emotional abuse from a corrupt judicial system could possibly lead to his death. Through this journey, the reader discovers how one man used every single ounce of his being to survive.

This is a story of domestic abuse from a male point of view and is a must-read for anyone considering an internet based romance. Order “Passionate Oversights” today from Amazon, KOBO or Barnes and Noble.

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About the Author:

Charles Massie, the oldest of four children, grew up in upstate New York. After finishing high school, he enlisted in the United States Navy and served a total of six years at various ports around the world. Returning to civilian life, he continued his education at Syracuse University. Upon graduation, he worked for a number of engineering firms before finding his calling in the sales field.

Having an entrepreneurial spirit, he decided to go off on his own and has been instrumental in overseeing such companies as Massie Engineering Associates, InfoTech Consulting, LLC, and CaterCats Catering. The call of creative expression has always been in the background of his life and over the years, he has submitted articles and stories to Twilight Zone Magazine, Readers Digest, Analog Publications and others.

His hobbies, when he is not writing, include progressive rock music, computers and other toys, traveling and enjoying the gifts that he has been blessed with. He loves animals, humor, exotic cars and practicing random acts of kindness.

He lives in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and New York State and maintains his website at:

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Author Interview:

What inspired you to become a writer?

Over about 30 years, I submitted articles to publications like Redbook, Readers Digest and Twilight Zone magazines. In 2011 I decided to try my hand at writing a novel. The rest is history because I now have authored true crime, young adult, comedy and cookbooks.

What did you do before you became a published author?

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering but my most recent employment was as CEO of an Information Technology company. I am now retired and writing fills my need to be active.

Is there anything you found particularly challenging about writing?

A long time ago, someone told me to just put my fingers on the keys and start typing; not caring about the output. I have found that sometimes I cannot come up with anything to write about, and this trick works every time.

Who are your cover designers?

I design every cover for my books. I have a background in promotion and feel this is a talent that suits me well at this time.

 What authors are your inspiration?

I like to read a lot of different authors. John Grisham and Robert R. McGammon are two of my favorites. I also read Patricia Cromwell, James Patterson and Nora Roberts.

What advice would you give any newbie author or anyone that wants to pick up writing?

JUST START. Everything can be fixed at a later date, but that means nothing, if you don’t have anything to work with. Also, you have to write something everyday. It can be a story outline, a paragraph or several chapters; but you need to start first.